Example sentences of "[subord] she have ever [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She just made it to the bathroom in time , before she parted unceremoniously with the contents of her stomach , then hung weakly against the side of the washbasin , more wretched and humiliated than she 'd ever felt in her life .
2 The very sky smelt of frost though a sun bigger than she had ever seen on Mars still shone remote between gold-fringed clouds .
3 More diamonds than she had ever seen in her life .
4 Maria had been feeling more vulnerable than she had ever done in her life , but now she lost her temper .
5 There was a good , steady wage , and a proper job was more than she had ever hoped for when she 'd first noticed the advertisement written in felt-tip in the corner of one of the windows .
6 Here she was , possessed of more than she had ever dreamed of , this house , its comforts and warmth , those servants whose lives were spent in caring for hers , friends such as the Chamberlins who had taken her to their hearts , this first , unforgettable Christmas with all its bounty and then — Michael Swinton , in that bleak and dreary place , with only drunken old Meg and silent Punch , his loneliness accentuated by the life he had known these last few months in London and in the great houses he had stayed in .
7 After missing him so desperately over the last six weeks it was more than she had ever dreamed of to find herself suddenly close to him again , and maybe by the time they reached their destination he would have given her some clue about the way he wanted things to be .
8 This was the death that had reduced Mrs Browning to a grief more overt and terrible than she had ever shown before and all around her there were faces nearly as stricken and voices almost as crazed .
9 In fact , as Ivo pulled up at her hotel , she realised that , if anything , Vendelin Gajdusek had learned far more about her that evening than she had ever learned about him !
10 His eyes bore more seriousness than she had ever read in them .
11 Yes indeed , she knew now if she had ever gone to the Ragged School that 's what would have happened .
12 BBC bosses wanted to know about her love life … and if she had ever posed for sexy photos .
13 Emily tried to remember if she had ever known in the days of seeing him that he was such a strong swimmer , but nothing much came back .
14 We wonder if she has ever heard of chronic paranoid schizophrenia , and she tells us to be quiet .
15 Asked during those dark days whether she had ever felt like quitting showbusiness she replied ; ‘ I would have loved to , but I could n't . ’
16 Anthony introduced Comfort , who immediately started talking in fluent , fast Italian , which made Julia feel as inadequate and insular as she had ever done at Comfort 's university parties .
17 Luke made no move , just looked at her , his gaze one of incredulity and shock , and Robyn felt as bad as she had ever felt in her life .
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