Example sentences of "[subord] it have become [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was taken by Madeiran emigrants to various parts of the world , including the Hawaiian islands , where it has become the Hawaiian ukelele .
2 Ally Pally 's pre-restoration days undoubtedly had associations of tatty romance — they lay in the contrast between the Cecil B. De Mille bravura of the original concept and such visible signs of its decline , as if it had become a Victorian actor/manager unable to gesticulate because of rheumatism .
3 The wounded in these hospitals lived in terror of the periodical decoration parades ; because it had become a recognised custom to reward a man about to die with the Croix de Guerre .
4 " A point has now been reached , " it declared , " where the continued dynamic development of the Community has become an imperative not only because it corresponds to the direct interests of the 12 member states but also because it has become a crucial element in the progress that is being made in establishing a reliable framework for peace and security in Europe . "
5 It comes as no coincidence that Juan , who first pioneered electro in the early '80s as part of Cybertron before making the first Detroit records on Model 500 , took his hiatus from the arena when it had become an overcrowded circus .
6 Positivism in turn can be seen as a set of ideas tending to reinforce the ideological domination ( or ‘ hegemony ’ ) of the bourgeois class at a yet later stage when it had become the ruling class in Europe : if criminal actions can be described as the result of mindless pathology rather than rational choice this both absolves capitalism of any blame for crime and helps to delegi-timize protest against the existing order ( Taylor et al. , 1973 : ch. 2 ) .
7 And there were calls for the theatre to close as it had become a big drain on local council finances .
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