Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] is [adj] to say that " in BNC.

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1 There are situations , it seems , where it is reasonable to say that there are two or more causal circumstances for a single effect .
2 Its full extent is unclear and although it is true to say that the 1977 Act does not impose a general standard of fairness on contract terms , s3 is capable of applying to many of the terms which will be included in a set of standard terms of trading .
3 Although it is true to say that Lizzie felt at the start very much under her mother 's shadow and in any case was naturally of a rather shy disposition — she was coaxed into recording quite early on in her career ; indeed , her voice can be heard ( singing Far Over the Forth ) on the same 1953 School of Scottish Studies tape devoted to her just-discovered mother .
4 The fact that a rug is signed or dated does not imply that it is in any way superior to similar items that have not been inscribed , although it is fair to say that weavers rarely sign inferior examples of their work .
5 The hon. Gentleman suggests that the orders have failed , but the main order , to break the tie , is not yet in effect , so it is premature to say that the proposal has failed to introduce competition .
6 While it is true to say that the best wine each year is often reserved for vintage wines , non-vintage blends are not necessarily inferior .
7 While it is true to say that there is no simple relation of general application in the case of materials at large strains there are certain general principles which have been formulated by the theoreticians and which in particular cases lead to expressions capable of experimental test .
8 So while it is true to say that discrimination on the grounds of age is not unlawful , that is not the complete picture .
9 While it is true to say that the bare infinitive is more frequent in American English — Algeo ( 1988 : 22 ) found that the Brown University Corpus has only 25 per cent usage of to infinitives after help where the Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen Corpus has 73 per cent — this begs the question nevertheless because both the bare and the to infinitives are used on both sides of the Atlantic .
10 Consequently , while it is true to say that the sentence with the to infinitive evokes a realized event , this is only part of the story : it also evokes the dispositions of the support previous to the realization of the happening denoted by the infinitive .
11 While it is fair to say that the regulations in the Blue Book are complex to read and interpret , the guidance notes are eminently readable and practical .
12 Whilst it is true to say that it might have started off that way ( call me a sceptic if you will ) , it has now found itself a major market position .
13 Starving people in the sub-Sahara can not afford much quality , though it is fair to say that their problems are more political than strictly agricultural .
14 Frightened by the threat of invasion ( Fears in Solitude ) , he was beginning that slide or jump to the Right which angered and puzzled his liberal associates , though it is fair to say that his revolutionary sympathies , unlike Wordsworth 's , had never been more than superficial .
15 If that view were correct , it would appear to pre-empt Woolwich 's arguments in favour of a right to repayment arising at common law , though it is fair to say that this was not the position adopted by counsel for the revenue before your Lordships ' House .
16 That possibility was handled by Bob Beckman , an American economist-writer who has settled in this country and has built a reputation for the uncanny accuracy of his predictions , though it is fair to say that not everyone agrees with his views of his predictions .
17 It then becomes impossible to rank societies as more or less aggressive than one another , just as it is impossible to say that one society is more or less evil than another .
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