Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] the majority of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly this model has considerable relevance in an NHS context , where in the majority of cases purchasers and providers are locked into each other for a large part of their business ; the information base on demand , cost and quality is poor and transaction costs are potentially high .
2 This learning difficulty has to be ‘ significantly greater … than for the majority of children of his age ’ ; or , he has to have a ‘ disability which either prevents or hinders him from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in schools maintained by the local education authority concerned … ’ .
3 So although for the majority of cases that a fatal as a result of diphtheria the fact that , due actually to the pharyngitis and the pseudo- membrane obstructing the respiratory passage .
4 So , establishment for staphylococcusorius is often not an important feature because in the majority of infections we 're talking about an endogenous infection , the organism was there in the first place .
5 However , I can not divulge the names of local companies , because in the majority of cases , the results of the work are confidential .
6 If people are unhappy with the policy that they 've got , by all means talk to the dealer and say is it possible to have an increased coverage , because in the majority of cases erm that can happen .
7 It was felt that it would rarely be necessary to call a computer expert , since in the majority of cases it would be sufficient to have someone that was familiar with the operation of the computer .
8 The idea of them having to bring fortnightly evidence that they have been looking for work when in the majority of cases they are not even permitted onto premises to ask for a job suggests an obvious indifference on the part of the policy makers .
9 While it is undoubtedly true that there are advantageous settlements negotiated at the door of the Court , the actual cost to the defender in settling at that stage is significant insofar as in the majority of cases it is the defender who will have to meet the whole cost of preparation for the Proof by both parties , including attendance of witnesses , Counsel 's fees and so forth .
10 Previously , the refugees had been taken to the US Guantánamo naval base on Cuba for screening prior to being offered temporary political asylum or , as in the majority of cases , repatriated as " economic " migrants .
11 It would be equally inconceivable that any army should be composed as to the majority of cowards , of gun-shy .
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