Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb mod] make a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We agreed to have a summit meeting in Bromley High Street after school , where we 'd make a decision on what to do .
2 Employee career development was flexible , and management encouraged individuals to pursue their interests and extend their skills in areas where they could make a contribution to the business .
3 Claims to leadership of national antislavery opinion also involved hopes of influencing British government policy where it might make a difference — for example , in negotiations over the continuing problem of slave trade suppression and on particular issues such as American fugitive slaves in British territories or terms for British recognition of the independence of Texas .
4 Once I can make a hole through them it should n't be too difficult to get round into the outer cellar .
5 ‘ But , as for these … ’ with a gesture of contempt she held up the copies of the agreement ‘ … there 's no way in the world I 'm going to sign these , so you can make a bonfire with them , if you like ! ’
6 " So we should make a start now .
7 we wanted to get people chemical , wanted to get a thing through , so they could make a profit from it .
8 Still , Imaginary have got the ‘ Turtle Soup ’ album so they should make a bit of money out of it . ’
9 I 'm sure you do n't want to hear about Mark 's cousin getting done for selling crack mixed with concrete , or the Forest Of Dean whizzkid who tried to get the band 's mate to give them heroin so they 'd all become addicted so he could make a profit out of them , or Zac sticking his finger up a chicken 's arse , do you ?
10 ‘ I think Billy might just have been desperate enough to smash that chair over somebody 's head so he could make a run for it . ’
11 If I might make a suggestion — shut up and sit down .
12 While all this talk of constitutional change is in the air — Kinnock proposes to abolish the House of Lords and dismember the United Kingdom , as well as to forbid the whole country from hunting — I wonder if I may make a proposal .
13 If I may make a return by listening to your troubles , I am very willing to do so . ’
14 If I may make a suggestion , ’ Horowitz , also standing , addressed Evans .
15 I was approached in this room about erm , twelve months ago , by Francis and Tricia erm , to ask if I would make a programme out for their group .
16 ‘ So if I can make a suggestion ? ’
17 er Chairman thank you for inviting me to come erm here today , er particularly as Mrs who 's the other member of erm , affected by the lorry ban on the A ten eighty eight it 's unfortunate unable to come , erm and thank you for including me in the er consultation process that you 're planning with Norfolk County Council , er Chairman obviously I wish to support this , but just erm if I could make a couple of observations on your paper , erm firstly particular relation to the discussion we just had about Brandon , erm , I am aware Mr Chairman you 've just described the er highways people in Norfolk as very reasonable , but I think that members will see particular if they look at problems like four point one that we do have to handle er working relationships with some care and I would want to express regret while I wo n't be less impolite than that , but Norfolk have not even seen fit to put up signs erm warning of the lorry ban erm in Thetford , erm , which shows er not exactly the spirit of co-operation , I hope we 're going to be able to achieve in the consultations about Brandon and I thought
18 So if I could make a plea to anyone who wishes to buy a pony whether from a private owner or ‘ saved ’ from the meat man , to make sure they know the commitment they are taking on .
19 She stared at the receding shoreline and wondered if she should make a jump for it .
20 An example might be to focus on car number plates and seeing if you can make a word containing all the letters of the plate number , or in a supermarket look out for all items costing a particular amount of money , or in a crowded room noting the number of people with blue eyes .
21 If you can make a film that makes its money back , you can justify making another . ’
22 If you could make a profit of approximately £2,500 per week for the fourteen or so unoccupied weeks ( a big if ! ) you would turn that excess of expenditure over income into an income surplus .
23 ‘ Rourke , ’ she said carefully , ‘ it 's cold out here , and I 'd be grateful if you 'd make a start in clearing up so that we can be on our way . ’
24 if you , you was all clawing to get one of them cos you 'd make a bit more of it .
25 Just la 's look to see if we can make a case all right ?
26 Oh it 'd be good if we could make a money tree .
27 Yes , if we could make a comment please the thing about in July ?
28 If anybody can make a comeback , he will — and I 'm not one of his great admirers . ’
29 But I 'm sure if they could make a profit they would .
30 For example , it would be interesting to know how far they would be prepared to deliver service to frail old people who present particular problems , if they can make a living with easier clients .
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