Example sentences of "[v-ing] na [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hills have had erm each way for Nephew and Our Margaret but the focus of the betting today with this rain coming at Cheltenham is going to be Gordon Richard 's General Pershing and he 's gon na go off a short price .
2 Anyway , nuffink 's gon na 'appen fer a long while yet so the owners are lettin' the place out fer rent .
3 I 'm interested to see what it 's gon na do for a hot wax if you see what I mean ?
4 Now with it being , we 're not gon na look at a high margin straight away cos I know that 's a waste of time .
5 I 'm gon na read for a little while but I feel
6 Old man are you gon na live for a long time ?
7 Er you could do with something to hold it with or else you 're gon na get into a terrible terrible mess .
8 there , now this should be interesting cos we 're gon na get in a sticky mess here if we 're not careful , eight ounces
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