Example sentences of "[v-ing] sure that [pron] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In the evening , after a snack rather than a meal , I went up to the loft and used the telescope to take a distant look at the island , making sure that nothing had happened to it while I rested inside the house .
2 And Howard strolls benignly among the guests , squeezing an elbow here , kissing a cheek there , making sure that everyone 's got everything he wants .
3 Snodgrass was discussing with the Gnomes the best route to take and Caspar was making sure that they had packed the maps and Inchbad and Goll the Gorm and Arca Dubh were nodding and smiling and , of course , there was nothing sinister in their smiles — and there was certainly nothing in the least sinister in the way that Goibniu was looking at Fenella , thumbs hooked in his belt , his wide greedy mouth curving into a satisfied grin …
4 Erm what I 'm doing basically is er putting on as many exhibitions as I can using the centre 's name and making sure that I 've got a good amount of my work in there , although I do n't push anybody else out .
5 Adrian says they 've spent a lot of time in the water … tweaking this and tweaking that and making sure that it has come through production with flying colours …
6 He shot a glance at Ellen , making sure that she had understood him as well as Thessy , then he looked at his watch and shouted for Bellybutton to start up one of the workboats .
7 And you 've filled in your UCCA form making sure that you 've put yourself across properly .
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