Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] all [prep] [art] place " in BNC.

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1 Not like now with all these casualties walking around all over the place , getting into fights . ’
2 While he , Owen , was tearing around all over the place like a bloody lunatic !
3 Mildred realized that her head had reappeared , which must have looked rather alarming , bobbing about all over the place with no body attached .
4 And , yes , there are a couple of lines around the eyes , and a grey hair or twenty ( at least they 're all together in a neat bunch , not lurking about all over the place ) and the neck does n't look too good in some , particularly unflattering , lights , but then I do n't suppose yours would , either .
5 As long as the controls are there to make sure they 're not wandering around all over the place which one hears about Group 4 and their reputation for letting people go which has become a bit of a joke .
6 ‘ We can eat later , ’ Leila called , trying to keep order over the group who were wandering about all over the place .
7 Seems to be wandering about all over the place !
8 There 's loads of new garages going in all over the place .
9 Some of them have got arms going off all over the place .
10 No we 're not all rushing off all over the place although the men and s some of the women you know we have gone off and they still I mean the men were in South Wales last week .
11 Slack planning laws mean hotels are growing up all over the place , said Nick — who quickly threw out his own idea that the West has all the answers to the problems .
12 They 're growing up all over the place and as you say , Ernie he he he did say about education but whose gon na run education in the future same as social services , you 'll soon find they 'll social services up into the health service .
13 He was sure there had been more when he first arrived ; they had been scuttling about all over the place , carrying implements , standing on stools stirring steaming mixtures , chopping things and throwing bits and pieces into cauldrons .
14 ‘ That old geyser rushing about all over the place , trying to stop people dancing . ’
15 The books are lying about all over the place in Shellerton .
16 ’ Its noisy and there 's always loads of equipmenjt lying about all over the place , but it 's great fun . ’
17 The Darling Buds Of May returned and suddenly Miss Zeta Jones was popping up all over the place .
18 Volvo seem to be moving out all over the place .
19 ‘ However , ’ Don Mini continued , still addressing Little Billy , ‘ you can not go flying around all over the place on Swan 's back in full daylight .
20 Nobody knew where anyone was , and there were rumours flying about all over the place .
21 There were things sticking out all over the place on the Albini recordings but we came away with a sound we liked , ’ says the bass player .
22 Critics always say his work 's ‘ austere ’ or ‘ puritanical ’ because he likes bare raked stages and theatres with their brickwork sticking out all over the place and no props .
23 The Interflora boom and Smiths devotees were sprouting up all over the place with their obnoxious shirts and silly haircuts .
24 All the ink was all over his shirt , it was coming out all over the place .
25 When the bell was sounded , people were running around all over the place , checking gates and doors .
26 For a highly fashion-conscious teenage magazine , perhaps , it becomes the norm to have the type dancing about all over the place , with grotesque or perversely distorted images perceived as ‘ up-to-date ’ and a more sober or considered treatment considered as old-fashioned as flared trousers and kipper ties . ’
27 Funny that the kids are so quiet , usually after a day cooped up in there they 're jumping around all over the place .
28 But her pulses were jumping around all over the place .
29 Then there were new Switchboards springing up all over the place , sometimes with more enthusiasm than resources and occasionally with decidedly dubious intent or policy .
30 Since no self-respecting modern cookbook leaves herbs out of its recipes , since courses in herbal medicine are springing up all over the place , and since cosmetics which rely on plants are taking the place of the synthetic beauty treatments what , one might ask , is a herb ?
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