Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adj] [noun pl] around the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The new obsession with trendy design was indulged in by scattering diamond-shaped symbols around the pages .
2 There is no doubt in my mind that the many years spent wrestling indifferent cars around the track , trying to make up for what Lauda calls the ‘ evil ’ that dwells in all of them , must take its toll .
3 The automobile has turned the city inside out , ranging new communities around the periphery and letting the centre rot : not far from the centre is an old slum district where the gangs operate .
4 ACRI and Cray will convert applications for both companies ' parallel computer systems — Cray is also designing parallel machines around the Alpha RISC .
5 Advanced Computer Research — ACRI — and Cray will also collaborate to convert and optimise applications codes on both companies ' parallel computer systems — Cray is also designing parallel machines around the Alpha RISC .
6 Senior hospital caterer Jimmy Kikozi said : ‘ I have nothing to say about their food , but I imagine we will now see people wearing happy hats around the place .
7 Scrolling through documents is noticeably faster , but the main boost is noticed when moving big chunks around the screen — grabbing a window and shifting it results in a much faster update than you would see with a bog standard VGA card — even a Tseng Labs ET4000 chip set unit ( the ET4000 chipset is probably the fastest of the non-accelerated chipsets ) .
8 The added advantage for parents is that they can listen to audio tapes in the car on their way to work or as a background while they are busy doing other things around the house .
9 Hilary batted with style , in the manner of a latter-day Raffles , distributing possible catches around the lawn .
10 Endill kept finding empty bottles around the house .
11 And still to come is Replay Theatre Company , with its current production ‘ The Zoo Story ’ , which has been touring special schools around the province .
12 The mixed doubles is another throwback to a different age , with the men and women now spending most of their careers following separate paths around the world .
13 Following worldwide use of the oral vaccine , 's time was largely taken up in visiting various countries around the world and action as an adviser to the polio vaccination programme .
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