Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] [noun] [conj] giving [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose your neighbour 's tree grows into your garden , obscuring your light and giving you a harmful consumption externality .
2 But he denies harassing Miss Donna Van Den Berghen , 21 , by putting his arm around her , touching her breasts and giving her a bear hug in front of colleagues .
3 To have heard Rachmaninov play hisown or any other Russian music or to listen to his orchestral works is to realise he was a passionate musician , loving his art and giving his all to express the joys and sorrows , the tender and brutal moods and all the emotions to which man is subject .
4 Now , now that all was lost , lost too was the vanity of the bulging notebook , the diversity of material , the forward-looking pleasure of unpacking my treasures and giving them some kind of independent life .
5 11 Do n't allow yourself to be dominated by the student who always knows , or thinks he knows , the answer or who is always asking you questions or giving his opinion on the state of the world .
6 Dad was flaring his nostrils and giving him a wild stare .
7 Then Vera Volkova , the Russian teacher who had been influential in England , taught the Royal Danes for 25 years , changing their style and giving them a more modern technique .
8 By evading him earlier that morning she 'd played into his hands , at the same time both increasing his suspicions and giving him the best part of the day to allay them .
9 Mr Bevan said Allen hired the two youths by promising them £100 and giving them an extra £10 to buy petrol .
10 Tacitus takes the view that Antiochus IV tried to improve the Jews by abolishing their superstitions and giving them Greek customs : " demere superstitionem et mores Graecorum dare adnisus , quo minus taeterrimam gentem in melius mutaret " ( 5.8 ) .
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