Example sentences of "[to-vb] in terms [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In order to describe what is common to all instances of the concept it is necessary to talk in terms of relations within ( or between ) particular totalities which , when taken together , prompt social change .
2 Investment has turned positive overall at the U K level and the regions which are leading investment expectations and this is people 's expectations about what they 're going to do in terms of investment in plant and machinery over the year ahead which I think is probably the meaningful one to focus on rather than buildings numbers erm the two regions which are leading that are the south west erm and that makes sense because the south west is , has the lowest number of firms who say that they 're working below capacity and also the West Midlands , for the last five surveys the West Midlands has either been the most optimistic
3 Ann Mobbs , what is it that you would like to see in terms of change for men ?
4 At the same time , the historian is liable to think in terms of England as a nation , and of English society as essentially one .
5 As I have remarked , Culler 's Structuralist Poetics encouraged some readers to think in terms of rapprochement between the New and the Newer Criticism .
6 Psychologists of vision , for example , have to think in terms of levels of representation that the nervous system computes and not to do so would be to render unintelligible the processes that occur between the transducing of light-rays into electrical impulses at the retina and the cortex recording the object as ( say ) a rigid cylinder rotating at such and such a distance from the viewing point .
7 ‘ The potential cost to Woolwich of refusing to pay in terms of damage to reputation and interest liabilities may have been commercially unacceptable but I can not regard it as involving duress on the part of the revenue .
8 If the Labour Party had announced , in 1964 or 66 , its intention to ‘ oppose capitalism ’ fundamentally and had explained what this was likely to involve in terms of dislocation of international trade and payments ( even Callaghan 's mildly redistributive budget of 1964 was enough to cause a run on the pound ) , and the onus which would have to be placed on the trade unions in running industry , given the likely non-co-operation of many among the managerial strata , it is quite implausible to say they would have been elected to office .
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