Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] a wide [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( iv ) Pupils should have opportunities to write for a wider range of communicative or informative purposes , including : describing , explaining , giving instructions , reporting , expressing a point of view , persuading , comparing and contrasting ideas , arguing for different points of view .
2 If only the most dependent and disturbed patients are admitted to hospital care , then local authority care will need to provide for a wide range of elderly people including many with dementia , and some with milder behaviour problems .
3 Unskilled manual workers were also considerably less likely than average to know of a wide selection of credit sources ; sources which came higher up their list than average were moneylenders , mail order , tallymen , loans from finance companies , electricity or gas board schemes , and HP .
4 We also know how to identify what users need ; develop often complex systems to index , abstract , catalog , and organize all types of information ; disseminate information by packing it in ways appropriate for users , providing the critical role of sifting through vast quantities to identify what is pertinent and what is not ; and to work with a wide range of other professionals for the most effective use of information .
5 All the secondees expected and experienced professional development , which might include intellectual challenge , a gain in experience and an opportunity to work with a wide range of people , establishing nation- or region-wide contacts .
6 Pupils should be given the opportunity to write in a wide range of forms : diaries , formal letters , chronological accounts , reports , pamphlets , reviews ( of books , television programmes , films or plays ) , essays , newspaper articles , biography , autobiography , poems , stories , play-scripts , TV or film-scripts .
7 17.54 ( i ) Pupils should have opportunities to write in a wider range of forms , including a number of the following : notes , diaries , personal letters , formal letters , chronological accounts , reports , pamphlets , reviews ( of books , television programmes , films or plays ) , essays , advertisements , newspaper articles , biography , autobiography , poems , stories , playscripts. ( ii ) Through experience of a wider range of literature they should learn to produce stories which are more consciously crafted , for example , using some detail in the portrayal of characters or settings or with some attempt to introduce elements of suspense or surprise with a skilfully managed resolution .
8 15.37 ( i ) Pupils working towards level 6 should be encouraged to work in a wider range of situations in which their individual contributions are given greater emphasis .
9 Here users tend to come from a wide variety of backgrounds , and press for an equally wide range of requirements .
10 Sails are kept ready rigged , ready for action , and all rigs are interchangeable with all boards — an unrivalled opportunity to try to a wide range of sails with a wide range of boards .
11 Engels says that Cognos is now in the early stages of negotiation with ICL and Bull and the company is engineering a Unix System V.4-compliant product that will make it economically more reasonable to appear on a wider variety of Unix environments .
12 Several people said that they had been asked to lecture to a wide range of students and colleagues on the subject of their particular disability , or disability in general .
13 While following the F-Plan you will be able to choose from a wide variety of meals to suit your own taste , in selecting daily menus .
14 Under Mobility 's hire scheme , it is possible to choose from a wide range of vehicles from most major manufacturers .
15 The tendency of the later 1960s was to move away from packaged courses towards ‘ options ’ in the hope that many pupils would be able to choose from a wide range of subjects and so assemble a programme best fitted to their own interests and abilities .
16 Students are required to take courses in Social Theory and in Methods of Social Research but thereafter they are free to choose from a wide range of options .
17 We know , moreover , that the more affluent among the old in Britain are more likely to feel that they enjoy good health and less likely to suffer from conditions which restrict their mobility and capacity to participate in a wide range of social and cultural activities than the least well-off ( GHS 1986 ; 126 ) .
18 How genuine was that consent ? ( d ) As the level of suspicion necessary for a stop and search is virtually indistinguishable from that required for an arrest , there may be a pressure to arrest in a wider range of circumstances .
19 Should the export of live slaughter animals be approved it could strengthen primestock prices and offer finishers an opportunity to sell to a wider range of markets .
20 This print was probably intended as the frontispiece of a book — Goya was one of the first painters to look for a wider audience for his work .
21 Like Debbie , Fay starts from the premise that the point of doing a degree is to get a job , as we can see in her statement that science students are able to apply for a wider range of jobs than arts graduates .
22 Certainly , speakers are free to select from a wide range of surface forms in order to achieve a particular communicative purpose , and it is quite likely that they will do so to attain appropriate levels of politeness , solidarity or social distance .
23 Denis Healey , nevertheless , had to contend with a wide range of critics , from socialists such as Benn who claimed that his successes resulted from such right-wing nostrums as a wage freeze and cutting public spending , to the monetarists of the Policy Studies Committee who attacked him for being far too dirigiste .
24 In order to cope with a wide variety of programming languages , data definition languages , and computers , the module header should be formatted as one comment ( or a series of comments ) in the language of the module .
25 Choose one small and one medium spanner , to cope with a wide range of nut and bolt sizes .
26 One view of play ( this spontaneous activity found in the immature animal and in most humans of any age ) is that it prepares the organism to meet and to cope with a wide range of situations .
27 To be truly effective a system needs to be designed to cope with a wide range of inputs .
28 HM Inspectors of Factories or Agriculture visit many types of workplace , and have to deal with a wide range of technical and legislative problems .
29 Over the past year , the counsellors have helped 51 people to deal with a wide range of problems , including marital breakdown , sexual abuse , bereavement and terminal illness , and almost three times that number have been given information and informal counselling .
30 This expert might have to deal with a wide variety of issues , including the builder's/lessor 's obligations to obtain planning permission , as well as the design and construction obligations , issues which are usually left to an arbitrator or an Official Referee of the High Court .
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