Example sentences of "[pos pn] main [noun sg] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These scouting expeditions are highly effective in raising the tension among the passengers , but their main purpose is for the boatmen to gauge the water level .
2 Their main worry is behind the scrum , where centre Neil Boobyer and wing Wayne Proctor are with the Welsh team , while Simon Davies another centre and Ian Jones , a utility player , are injured .
3 Just as their main interest was in the ways of life of people as seen by the people themselves , so they tried to get a sense of the past into their work by using life-histories .
4 Her main interest was in the time course of memory formation , and she had been using a variety of drugs , including agents which disrupt entry of ions such as potassium into the cell , and also protein synthesis inhibitors , to dissect out a series of phases , which she described as short- , intermediate- and long-term memory .
5 Its main use is as the fuel in thermonuclear devices .
6 Its main commitment is to the north , and thus every winter the battalion trains in Norway in Arctic Warfare .
7 Andrew Guest , of United Buses , said his main concern was about the discomfort facing passengers and drivers if the speed humps are built .
8 But his main preoccupation was with the unfinished Requiem , which had begun to prey on his mind .
9 Our main concern is with the distribution of wealth and consumption .
10 Our main concern is with the adjudicative principle , but not yet .
11 But our main interest is in the cases when the fluctuations are non-periodic , as in Figs. 24.2 and 24.3 .
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