Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [coord] kiss [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Crilly cups my face in his hands , strokes my hair and kisses me long upon the lips .
2 He caught her fingers and kissed them lightly .
3 Suffice it is to say that Woferl jumped up on the Empress 's lap , put his arms round her neck and kissed her heartily .
4 He put his arm round her waist and kissed her hard .
5 His lips hardened and he lifted her closer , cupping her head and kissing her deeply when she made no move to get away .
6 He laughed and took her hand and kissed it lightly .
7 Claudia framed his face between her hands and kissed him softly on his eyes and cheeks before her lips lingered on his mouth .
8 She felt him tense , then he was tipping up her face and kissing her very slowly and with a thoroughness that left her head reeling .
9 He caught her exploring fingers and lifted them to his mouth and kissed them quickly , his eyes filled with a wry mockery as he studied her flushed face .
10 ‘ When this is over we 'll have a nice home , Anne , I promise , ’ he said , as she slipped her arms round his neck and kissed him again .
11 There were certain crescendos when a particularly macho spectator would sweep a Bisu off his feet and kiss him furiously before roughly throwing him back into the circle again .
12 ‘ Oh-Dave-you-silly ! ’ she half-panted , half-laughed , hopping towards him as he retreated , holding her at arm 's length , but did n't finish for he let her catch up , caught all her weight to his body and kissed her passionately .
13 He bent his head and kissed her again .
14 Penry bent his head and kissed her deeply , and Leonora slid her arms round his neck , responding with a fervour which answered his question without words .
15 He lowered his head and kissed her fleetingly on the mouth .
16 To a slow hand-clap , he slowly removed his mask and then hers , took her gently in his arms and kissed her tenderly .
17 For five whole minutes he held her in his arms and kissed her again and again .
18 He was standing by the bushes near to where the gates had once been , and he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately .
19 Roman pulled Claudia into his arms and kissed her deeply , taking her by surprise .
20 She frowned at him , tossing the hair back from her flushed cheeks , wishing he would take her in his arms and kiss her again instead of making cryptic comments that taxed her stunned powers of comprehension .
21 He held her close and soothed her , brushing her skin lightly with his hands and kissing her gently , until gradually she felt warm again and the bleak sadness of spirit went away .
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