Example sentences of "[vb past] brought [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The evening was cloudless and warm and after pitching the tent and cooking something called " Hunter 's Goulash " ( a freeze-dried meal that I 'd brought home from a trip along the Appalachian Trail — it tasted like fried sofa stuffing doused with monosodium glutamate ) , I walked up the narrow lane above the youth hostel to watch the sun going down behind Pikedaw Hill tingeing the sky a dusky orange — a wonderful sight .
2 McGowan vanished with a couple they 'd brought home in the car .
3 They bartered their grain for the salt he 'd brought back from the border , where he traded with Tibetans who 'd scraped it from the arid salt-lakes and carried it south on yaks across the windswept dust-blown plateau lands .
4 They polished off most of the sausages , which they seemed greatly to enjoy , and Bith of the Bog-Hat and Flaherty shared a firkin of the giants ' ale , which Balor had brought up from the cellars .
5 I tried to free it , using the cloth I had brought up from the hall to gain a better purchase .
6 The plaited bamboo walls curled tightly round a stout frame of beech poles , cut and stripped by Rima with the big bush knife he had brought up from the trade-store when Joseph had run down to tell him the news .
7 Eighty-one refugee children went to Bunce Court , the school Anna Essinger had brought over from the Schwäbische Alb mountains of the Danube to Otterden , a large manor house standing in twenty-five acres of Kent countryside .
8 Much later it struck me as odd that I experienced no superstitious fear or repugnance in the presence of a dead body , although I am so squeamish that more than once I have had to ask a neighbour to deal with a dead rabbit that one of the cats had brought in during the night .
9 The fire by which we sat , Mrs Browning in front , I to one side , consisted mainly of a branch of beech which she had brought in from the woods : the thick end was in the fireplace , surrounded by burning twigs cosseted into flame by Mrs Browning , who puffed upon them with a pair of leather bellows when they faltered , and the other end , in shape and size rather like the antlers of a deer , reached out into the room .
10 When Petion returned , Ace had brought out from the TARDIS the four Vickers guns that she had liberated from the palace armoury , and was checking their actions for signs of wear or damage .
11 She was not proud to have been the cause of splitting her family up ; nor could she forget how her father 's love had turned to disgust ; and how could she easily reveal the shame which she had brought down on the Wards ?
12 He watched her go alone , the trappings she had brought down to the beach left abandoned .
13 Peter picked up the exercise book and slipped it into the box he had brought down from the loft .
14 They drank whisky and cider , watched pornogrhapic videos that the teacher had brought back from a holiday in Germany .
15 In my babyhood , he had asked the great Australian centre Dave Brown to let me be photographed with an enormous stuffed lion Brown had brought back from a Kangaroo tour of Great Britain .
16 It was a blue-and-white pottery bowl Peter 's mother , Kitty , had brought back from a timeshare holiday with a friend in southern Spain .
17 He had been painted in wonderful Afghan clothes , a tunic and turban of deep blue and red embroidered with gold , clothes he had brought back from the exploits during which he had found Charlotte , the fabulous exploits that had been Alexandra 's bedtime stories every night , every single night in childhood , haunting her sleep with nightmares of cruelty and savagery in wild , barbaric places .
18 Her garter belt was a pre-war birthday present , and she wore a pair of the precious nylons that Sylvia had brought back from the States .
19 ‘ The most nerve-wracking moment , ’ recalls Nicola Wright , ‘ was when we discovered the live First World War German mortar bomb , which cousin Charles had brought home as a souvenir . ’
20 He 'd had no such doubts when embracing that model Keeley had brought home from the Art School .
21 Being for once in the mood to get things right , Phoebe had brought home from the library a book about dragonflies .
22 When I eventually got home the crumpet packet was lying empty on the kitchen floor while Bilbo Baggins , the new puppy my daughters had brought home from the dogs ' home , was lying full beside it .
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