Example sentences of "[vb past] forward [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He bent forward and plucked at the coat .
2 He straightened , then bent forward and tapped at the white plastic strip on the kitchen window ledge which retained the cheaply horrid secondary double-glazing the flat 's owners had fitted .
3 As Bernice tried to read the next line , Ell moved forward and stamped on the creature .
4 He moved forward and pulled at the bell rope , it was about time he put the wheels into motion , the wheels that would prove his innocence .
5 She darted forward and saw at a glance what had happened .
6 The people were commanded to assemble and were faced with a simple choice : ‘ Elijah stepped forward and said to the people , ‘ How long will you sit on the fence ?
7 He stepped forward and retreated at the little garden gate as though rebuffed by some force field or buffeted by some invisible gale which had no effect on the branches of the little trees and evergreens in the front gardens of the cottages .
8 There was the sudden roar of a car engine and a screech of tyres and the red car that Stuart had been looking at sped forward and stopped at the entrance with its passenger door swinging open .
9 She leant forward and rested on the padded cover of the front seating .
10 He leant forward and spoke to the driver .
11 He leant forward and spoke in a grim whisper .
12 But before Lucy could answer Doreen leaned forward and lied in a sweet voice , ‘ I told Miss Telford that you 'd said for her to get into the bus .
13 Mitch leaned forward and yelled into the count 's ear and instantly the small plane banked and screamed downwards like a stone from a catapult .
14 His face became serious again ; he leaned forward and stared at the fire , slowly sipping his wine .
15 Wishart leaned forward and fished amongst the pieces of parchment on his table , took up a thin scroll and tossed it to Corbett .
16 One of the boys in question leaned forward and drawled in an upper-hive accent , ‘ Shame , having to hack off one 's pinkie to say sorry to one 's boss for a blunder .
17 Charlie leaned forward and said to the driver , ‘ Keep the meter running .
18 She leaned forward and said in a dramatic whisper : ‘ Mr Zulueta wanted what I was not prepared — what I should not be prepared to give — and I repulsed him .
19 ‘ Best hang tight to my arm , boy , ’ he yelled and together they leaned forward and tramped through the long wet grass to wrestle with the Littles ' gate .
20 K ! sdra the dragonrider leaned forward and squinted across the clearing .
21 Karl leaned forward and spoke to the driver .
22 As the taxi swept along the Kensington street , its headlights tunnelling into the murky darkness , Harriet leaned forward and spoke through the half-open glass partition .
23 After a moment he lifted his eyes from the books , leaned forward and spoke in a lowered voice .
24 Duvall lunged forward and fired at the shadow .
25 Miss Honey ran forward and knelt beside the prostrate giant .
26 Though he did not see it , the car swung in a U-turn , the gunman ran forward and climbed in the back seat .
27 He tensed , judging his moment , then lurched forward and hurtled across the intervening space , flattening himself against the house wall like a spider .
28 Jekub lurched forward and jolted to a stop .
29 She almost jumped forward and darted towards the side entrance , dashed through the gate , up the shrub-bordered path and into the yard where , at a far door , Aggie was standing in the act of handing something to the maid .
30 He sat forward and concentrated on the interview being screened .
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