Example sentences of "[vb past] been brought [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The draft on revelation ( and a companion , ‘ On preserving the deposit of faith in its purity ’ , also rejected ) were prepared mainly by theologians of this tendency , who had been brought up to think of modernism as the most fundamental , comprehensive and insidious of all heresies .
2 Garvin had been brought up to hunting and shooting , skills which in the opinion of the Consul-General exactly equipped a young man for a career in the Ministry of the Interior .
3 The clothes he wore , the cut of his hair , even the subtly elegant watch on his wrist , everything about him seemed to indicate a man who had been brought up to take wealth for granted .
4 He had been brought up to call Mrs Naulls " Nanna " but had had more luck with her than with Dadda when he wanted to change this mode of address .
5 The Left , like most people in Britain , had been brought up to regard Britain as a world power and had not adjusted to Britain 's real weakness .
6 The great impact made by The Way of All Flesh suggests that many young men shared the experience of Pontifex , especially those who , like him , had been brought up in accordance with strict Evangelical principles .
7 Emma had mounted the first step of the stairs and she was unwinding her scarf when she turned and looked down on her mother , saying , ‘ I would have been many things if I had been brought up in peace . ’
8 One of eleven children , he had been brought up in poverty .
9 The train steamed at speed through the night and at 04.00 halted briefly at Hanover where , on the platform , waited the portly figure of General von Hindenburg , who had been brought out of retirement to become Commander-in-Chief .
10 It is as though the historic opponents of medieval times , the aristocrats and the guildsmen , had been brought together in harmony .
11 In the more recent squad of 35 the figure was up to four after Sale 's David Baldwin had been brought in as cover for Dooley .
12 A rich Italian suffering severe post-natal depression had been brought in by ambulance , having tried to kill her six-week-old son , and then taken an overdose .
13 That memory too had been brought sharply into focus on this journey .
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