Example sentences of "[vb past] a [adv] [adj] proportion of " in BNC.

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1 We also received a relatively high proportion of data sheets describing development training ( 49% ) as against specifically stated job training ( 10% : see Table 7 ) .
2 In the first round of voting 133 candidates received a sufficiently large proportion of the vote ( at least 30 per cent ) to win seats in the 270-member Majlis .
3 Credit cards and shop accounts financed a relatively large proportion of credit purchases from chain department stores , local stores and local speciality shops , and credit cards seemed the only generally-used source of credit in discount shops.HP-type credit was in contrast the only generally-used means of financing things bought from fuel boards .
4 Their results showed a surprisingly large proportion of small , ‘ sliver ’ polygons on the output maps .
5 But when I asked him how much of the land of the state of Israel might potentially have two claimants — an Arab and a Jew holding respectively a British mandate and an Israeli deed to the same property — he said he figure was accurate — and it should be remembered that over half of Israel in 1948 consisted of the Negev desert — then it suggested that Arabs owned a far greater proportion of that part of Palestine which became Israel than has previously been imagined .
6 Having survived the early years of childhood , unlike so many of his siblings , he had been struck down by that other malady which afflicted a tragically high proportion of those who lived on into teenage years and beyond .
7 Teachers spent a very high proportion of their time in class interacting with pupils .
8 The sales revenue from their smaller circulations covered a much lower proportion of costs ; but the greater purchasing power of their readers , some of whom spent ‘ corporate ’ money , not just their own personal incomes , enabled the qualities to charge far higher advertising rates and break even at circulation levels completely unrealistic for the populars .
9 This interest in wage regulation , standardising and setting a floor to wage costs — thereby limiting competitive wage and price-cutting — was especially prevalent in labour-intensive industries where labour costs formed a relatively high proportion of total costs .
10 The actual income of a kadi depended not only — or even principally — on his allowance , of course , but also on fees of various kinds ; and it may well be that if indeed the kadis of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa continued to receive allowances of only 300 akce a day down to Hezarfen 's time , they did so because their allowances represented a relatively insignificant proportion of the monies they actually received , so that raising them to match the importance of the kadiliks was not a matter of particular moment .
11 As Table 12 , above , shows , a number of chronological groups contained a markedly higher proportion of items in need of repair than the overall figure of 6% already calculated .
12 Pro-FIS rhetoric emanating from preachers in certain city mosques was said to have influenced an electorate that contained a relatively high proportion of young and illiterate voters .
13 By the middle years of the seventeenth century Chippenham had a much higher proportion of farms with more than 50 acres and also more cottagers who were dependent upon their earnings from their work on these bigger farms .
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