Example sentences of "[vb past] himself by [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ravana captured Hanuman and set fire to his tail , but the monkey avenged himself by growing to the size of a giant and setting fire to the city .
2 A computer manager sought by police for the murder of his wife and children apparently killed himself by walking into the sea .
3 But as we have seen , he referred to the Duddon valley as ‘ the darling of my heart ’ — he says in the Guide that Mr. West ‘ contented himself by speaking of the scenery of easy access from the public roads , for he has entirely omitted the vast and romantic wilds which lie between the sea and the chain of lofty mountains , beginning at Coniston and ending at Lows Water — who shall traverse Seathwaite , Eskdale Wastdale , Ennerdale and Ennersaledale , and not be ready to acknowledge that the Western side of his tour , though probably less beautiful , is infinitely more magnificent than the Eastern side ? ’
4 If size of following were proof of quality , then Glazunov would be a candidate for the title of greatest living artist : in Brezhnev 's time ( he was the premier 's favourite artist ) he ingratiated himself by playing on the sentimental Slavic strand in Soviet life with ‘ symphonic canvases [ which ] overflow with the dreams and feeling of the Russian people ’ .
5 Mr Deacon saved himself by running through the inferno to get to the staircase and outside .
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