Example sentences of "[vb past] as if [pron] 'd [be] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed as if they 'd been wrong about one thing and only too right about the other .
2 For them the time must have flown by , but for me it seemed as if I 'd been standing out there all morning !
3 They felt as if they 'd been scoured out with a Brillo pad .
4 Isobel was ambitious , and had her sights set on the national news media ; unfortunately , so did every other young news-hustler in every backwater station in the country , and few of them were having to contend with sinuses that felt as if they 'd been stuffed with pillows .
5 Zambia felt as if SHe 'd been punched in the gut .
6 Ace felt as if she 'd been struck .
7 Her face and neck felt as if she 'd been sitting in the heat of an oven .
8 She felt as if she 'd been dipped in slime .
9 The relief of escaping from his company was so intense that she felt as if she 'd been wired up to an electric charge for the last few hours and someone had finally taken pity on her and turned off the power .
10 The strong fingers peeling the nightshirt upwards , the exploring hunger of the hard mouth on her stomach , her breasts , her lips , it felt as if she 'd been waiting for ever for these feelings …
11 Within an hour of sitting down at my old desk , reading through my old files and shouting at my not so old secretary I felt as if I 'd been away from work for maybe just a week 's holiday .
12 I felt as if I 'd been sitting there half the night .
13 ‘ Nathan ? ’ she called , and he called back , ‘ Yes ? ’ but there was no second call , and he turned round , and there was nobody there , not a sound , and he felt strange then , he felt as if he 'd been visited .
14 ‘ Do n't ever follow me again , Peter , ’ she said , totally unexpectedly ; she had n't even looked his way , and he felt as if he 'd been caught in a searchlight 's beam in the middle of some guilty act .
15 He felt as if he 'd been inside a cell ever since his arrest , imprisoned within his own mind .
16 Down at the far end of the valley , there was still snow on the upper slopes of the mountains ; they looked as if they 'd been sugar-dusted , with stone walls showing like fine , black veins above the treeline .
17 It looked as if they 'd been having a party and had just taken off in the middle of it .
18 Only two or three of the terminals were occupied , by guys who looked as if they 'd been up all night and who were already on to their second pack of cigarettes .
19 He looked as if he 'd been Lying there on his stomach for quite a while .
20 Perry was a thick-set , bull-necked man who looked as if he 'd been eased into his suit with a shoe-horn .
21 Steve looked as if he 'd been smacked in the face with a writ .
22 He looked as if he 'd been home a while .
23 His face was set and hard ; except for the muscle knotting in his jaw , he looked as if he 'd been sculpted of stone .
24 It looked as if she 'd been up in the loft for something , which I suppose was rather rash in her state of health .
25 ‘ Luci Hayter looked as if she 'd been up every night for a week .
26 Evidence from police and forensic officers said Mrs Prescott looked as if she 'd been sewing the hem of a curtain , when she was shot at close range in the back of the head .
27 Instinctively , I reacted as if I 'd been hit .
28 Ted was a child of the sixties , but he sounded as if he 'd been born in the Blitz .
29 Nicolo jumped as if he 'd been singed .
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