Example sentences of "[vb past] it impossible [prep] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The vicious personal attack on him by Ernets Bevin and his humiliating defeat made it impossible for him to remain as leader .
2 This gravely restricted Law 's room for manoeuvre and made it impossible for him to accept the only compromise that Asquith could offer .
3 His desire to be always in absolute control made it impossible for him to seek the medical and psychological help he needed and he had no close friends to persuade him .
4 His nationalisation and fury at British exploitation made it impossible for him to compromise even if it was clear that this policies were self-destructive .
5 His arthritis made it impossible for him to walk as he had been used to doing .
6 This was not well received , and in fact Blackett 's sympathy with the Russians made it impossible for him to get a visa to visit the US during the McCarthy years .
7 He had made no plans : fatigue made it impossible for him to think rationally .
8 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
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