Example sentences of "[vb past] a [noun sg] of paper from " in BNC.

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1 At this point the coroner received a sheet of paper from the table where a host of detectives sat .
2 Merrill ripped a sheet of paper from her typewriter with an angry , protesting sound , and , gritting her teeth , turned back to her notes .
3 When complete silence had fallen he then produced a sheet of paper from his pocket , folded it back on itself to remove the crease , smoothed it out a number of times and then read a statement to the effect that inquiries were proceeding , steps being taken , fruitful avenues opening up and concrete results expected within a short space of time .
4 He pulled a piece of paper from his tunic , and Carrington took it .
5 He fished a bit of paper from his pocket and studied it .
6 Molland took a sheet of paper from his Docket .
7 Colonel Windsor took a sheet of paper from his desk and wrote out the day 's Orders : Friday , 12 November 1920 To all section commanders Special General Order Section commanders are warned that the severest disciplinary measures will be taken against any sign of looting or retaliation .
8 Rain took a sheet of paper from the reception desk and wrote on it her name and phone number in Antibes .
9 He unfolded a sheet of paper from his pocket .
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