Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [noun sg] on [art] floor " in BNC.

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1 Lee flung the helmet on the floor and kicked it again and again against the toilet .
2 He rose as if in a daze , found a space on the floor and sat down .
3 Anyway I said to our Pam well you have been brought up to do things like that and not only that if I found a pound on the floor I 'd pick it up that 's different .
4 Our cooker was still in the kitchen and we even recognised the vinyl on the floor !
5 Usually what 's happened is somebody 's been doing the cooking , dropped the pot on the floor , and all the pieces have been thrown away .
6 I can remember on erm the other day I I accidentally dropped the helicopter on the floor and it , I could n't find that
7 Suddenly he hated his own beauty , and dropped the mirror on the floor where it broke into many small pieces .
8 My hand began to shake badly , and I dropped the letter on the floor .
9 The jury heard a three year old boy had admitted to his brother that he dropped the baby on the floor .
10 I dropped the stub on the floor , still sputtering .
11 ‘ Going away ? ’ he asked as he noticed the bag on the floor .
12 Her mother threw the bundle on the floor by the door .
13 ‘ Nothing , ’ he said despondently , and threw the book on the floor .
14 Lorton threw the scraper on the floor .
15 Later most of us spent the night on the floor in our sleeping bags .
16 There was a dance in an inn at Hawkshead , a miner his pockets bulging with " Rusland gold " lost the lot on the floor when his pocket split open .
17 Eddie Brady dumped the briefcase on the floor with the heap of folders on top , took off the tweed jacket and threw it into a corner , and dragged two chairs from under the cluttered table .
18 She dumped the bag on the floor .
19 After removing the contents he closed the lid again and placed the case on the floor beside his chair .
20 Jess placed the lot on the floor and opened the chest .
21 He began to walk down to the windows and saw an envelope on the floor and when he bent to pick it up , the floor creaked and gave way . ’
22 Insisting that all it needed was a little Lux , he put the painting on the floor and began scrubbing .
23 He put the platter on the floor and got up stiffly .
24 Mungo put the glass on the floor and offered her a biscuit , taking one himself .
25 Benjamin stuck his tongue out at Peckle 's back , cleared a space on the floor and squatted there for at least half an hour sifting through the contents of the sack .
26 ( 3 ) John put a bowl on the floor .
27 Thus , although it is preferable for a definite noun phrase to be assigned a referent , a failure to do so does not justify rejecting the reading altogether ( if that were done , then , for example , the initial sentence ‘ John put a bowl on the floor ’ would be rejected as incoherent ) .
28 They were nervous all day and could n't concentrate on their schoolwork ; not even when Mr Litmus spilt a chemical on the floor and it started to fizzle , turning an incredible glowing blue , then splattered against the wall .
29 In 1837 the Committee of The Baltic Exchange , where the owners of cargo ships met shippers wanting cargo space , ensured that everyone who struck a bargain on the floor at St Mary Axe was in a financial position to honour it , that no one was admitted who was insolvent .
30 Well we had a r a sch classroom in the infants school there for our headquarters and er storing cos we used to make use , we had a palliasse on the floor for when we was on night duty erm but I can never understand why we had our he headquarters over there but we had to do guard duties over in the elementary school on th school on the other side because that was the only one that had got a telephone and we had to man the telephones from the Brigade Headquarters or the to be able to phone to should they want us to be called out and so we had to do the guard duty over there but we slept in the , when we was off duty we was in er Alma Green School and that was there and then the we moved from there eventually and th th the longest part of our life of the Home Guard , the headquarters was at the cottage , I 've been trying to think what the name of the cottage is , it ha it , it has a name it 's the cottage next door to the Sir Robert Peel public house in Bell Lane .
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