Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be approved by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Local Government Act , 1972 , allowed local authorities to choose between district auditors and private auditors ( who needed to be approved by the secretary of state ) but the Local Government Finance Act , 1982 , removed an authority 's right to choose its own auditor .
2 The two Bills in question were not in the manner and form required as under earlier State legislation any constitutional change had to be approved by a referendum .
3 All details of the ballet had to be approved by the Club as he went along .
4 All legislation had to be approved by the Legislative Council , but the Governor could control this body by ordering the official majority to vote in a certain way .
5 On Sept. 28 the Volkskammer elected Joachim Gauck ( Alliance " 90/Greens ) as the special commissioner for handling Stasi files ; his appointment had to be approved by the West German government .
6 This meant that the book not only had to pass general political censorship , commonly known as glavlit , the main obstacle for works of fiction ; it also had to be approved by the relevant government institutions , the Ministry of Atomic Energy , whose senior officials were named by Medvedev as being responsible for the accident .
7 She could n't understand why I needed to lodge in London at all , but insisted that any accommodation I settled on had to be approved by the university authorities .
8 As detailed on May 2 , the measures gave the government the technical right to dismiss strikers in these sectors and laid down that strikes in non-essential services had to be approved by an assembly of at least one-third of union members concerned , while in essential services strikes had to be announced 48 hours in advance and a minimum level of service ensured .
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