Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] concerned [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In both cases the reasons advanced were concerned with the need for co-ordinating planning policies in these urbanised areas ( MLG 1970 : 12 — 13 ) .
2 Throughout the inter-war years Labour politicians had been concerned with the preservation of peace .
3 At Horta Picasso had been concerned with the breakdown of the human figure into its sculptural units and the relationships between them .
4 From the beginning , indeed , the CNAA had been concerned with the college as a whole , though there were no specific powers in the Charter to oblige it to do so .
5 For some time before Rylands v. Fletcher the courts had been concerned with the extent of a person 's liability for the escape of an accumulation of water from his land during the normal course of mining operations .
6 Police had been concerned about the welfare of George Heinrich Leigers , 35 , a patient of St Luke 's Hospital , Middlesbrough .
7 NICRA had been concerned about the potential for violence which arose when the Apprentice Boys of Derry gave notice of their intention to stage an ‘ Annual Initiation Ceremony ’ to coincide with the demonstration .
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