Example sentences of "[coord] i be [adj] to see that " in BNC.

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1 I have been banging on about South German wheat beers for years , and I am delighted to see that they are becoming more easily available in Britain .
2 These are very serious matters and I am glad to see that the civil servants are leaving the Box to find the answers .
3 Now we 're meeting that in full and I 'm glad to see that all three fiscal groups er proposing to meet that in full .
4 thank you um , it will be quick ah one of the things which caused distress last year was the reduction in the for sixth formers and I was sorry to see that it would n't be restored this time .
5 Yes , I welcome the substantial orders that have been received and I was pleased to see that in the past few days a number of them have come here .
6 Carole had said that the style of warden could really make a difference , and I was relieved to see that Aj was far too easy-going to be a slave-driver ; a non-conformist , his regulation chocolate-brown corduroy trousers were bleached white , a phenomenon which he put down to the use of Ariel automatic .
7 My breasts were developing fast and I was ashamed to see that my nipples showed through the material .
8 Roper said : ‘ Good luck , old boy , ’ and I was surprised to see that he meant it .
9 The sheet had slipped off Granny 's face and I was horrified to see that her eyes were still open .
10 You loved her very much , but I am interested to see that you saw yourself as having sex , not making love .
11 But I was delighted to see that it was in fact my hat .
12 SOUTH Africa 's re-entry of the rugby scene promises much extra interest ( their general approach could make them the ‘ French ’ of the Southern Hemisphere ) , but I was concerned to see that a few of them , Naas Botha in particular , were wearing shoulder pads .
13 It is interesting , is n't it , that er I knew the road to Damascus was long , but I did n't realise it were that long cos on the second of July the Tories moved an amendment at P and R criticising us for spending money on the Lord Mayor 's car , but I 'm glad to see that you 've come back to the fold .
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