Example sentences of "[coord] it be unlikely [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm only three settlements in the area , very small , and it 's unlikely that they 're gon na meet meet an make any meaningful contribution to employment needs in Greater York .
2 It is the kind of ‘ big ’ development that is very out of fashion with the money men at present , and it is unlikely that we will be seeing anything on this scale started in the next few years .
3 However , the reformulation appeals to theoretical notions which the authors discuss in the first chapter of the book , and it is unlikely that what was said about mutual cognitive environments in the first chapter is accessible for use for the interpretation of a passage about style in the final chapter .
4 As Professor Housman used to say , ‘ Stand on a barrel in the streets of Baghdad and say twice two are four and ginger is hot in the mouth and therefore Mohammed is the prophet of God , and it is unlikely that anyone would question your reasoning ; but if he should be bold enough to do so , you could easily silence him by calling him a Christian dog . ’
5 The alternatives will simply be absent from the record , and it is unlikely that anyone , except as the most extreme perversity , would want to undertake them .
6 Part of the time he may almost be unaware that he is speaking to another person — after all Gila does n't understand English very well and it is unlikely that she would fully understand the references to Rupert Brooke and the poem ‘ The Old Vicarage , Grantchester ’ .
7 But they were still respectful to the Emperor ; as fellow-Muslims they were part of the group that had dominated India for centuries , and it is unlikely that he was nearly as worried by their attitude as he was by the threat of Persian invasions like the one that led to Delhi being captured and plundered in 1739 , or by the rebellious Marathas of western India , Hindu in religion and devoted to cavalry raids to plunder their neighbours .
8 In 1598 , the estates reverted back to Maximilian Dalison , although it was not until 1601 , that he regained his full inheritance , and it is unlikely that he spent much on the maintenance of the buildings as it appears he was always short of cash .
9 Even if it landed on time , I would have the four-hour journey to Hull and it was unlikely that I would make it to the funeral .
10 He had never been used for a hit , and it was unlikely that he could get from Moscow to Tbilisi anyway .
11 They may have their private regrets that they could not find a way of solving the equation of conflicting interests that offered deeper satisfaction as well as personal advancement , but it is unlikely that they will reveal these .
12 Some of them are very good indeed but it is unlikely that they will have been given the opportunity to develop skills in such highly specialised areas as industrial photography , beauty photography or still life .
13 But it is unlikely that they are able to use this in itself as a guide .
14 It is a little more difficult for central NACAB 's information retrieval section to isolate debt enquiries accurately , as they form part of general consumer problems , but it is unlikely that their experience is different .
15 The effect of the drag reduction kit modifications on the aircraft 's pre- and post-stall behaviour could not be documented precisely but it is unlikely that their effect on the stall speed and characteristics would have been significant .
16 EDITH CRESSON , scourge of the English male and the Japanese export , has gone , but it is unlikely that her successor can do much to revive the flagging fortunes of the French Socialist Party .
17 After the Stanleys ' ambivalent behaviour in 1469–71 Edward may have seen his brother 's presence in the region as a useful counterbalance , but it is unlikely that he wanted to see the Stanleys totally eclipsed .
18 After the Stanleys ' ambivalent behaviour in 1469–71 Edward may have seen his brother 's presence in the region as a useful counterbalance , but it is unlikely that he wanted to see the Stanleys totally eclipsed .
19 If you have been following a normal varied British pattern of eating you have probably been consuming less dietary fibre than you need for health protection , but it is unlikely that you are deficient in minerals and vitamins .
20 It is common sense once you see the solution but it is unlikely that you would have thought of all of them a priori .
21 They 'll jump to your tune , but it 's unlikely that they 'll hang around to hear the final Act of the opera .
22 It 's hoped he 'll have the bandage removed in 2 to 3 weeks , but it 's unlikely that he 'll ever recover full use of his injured leg .
23 Lloyd George , recently re-elected , had been issued an invitation , but it was unlikely that he would attend , but certainly Austen Chamberlain , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , and Winston Churchill , the Secretary of State for War might attend .
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