Example sentences of "[coord] it is [adv] certain [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The world is only slowly emerging from recession and it is not certain whether Germany 's has been arrested .
2 It would be quite impracticable to carry waste rock any great distance and it is quite certain that ore being produced at Coniston , was machine and hand dressed to as great a concentration as possible , before filling into strong saddle bags for the 20 mile pack-horse journey , over the mountain tops , to the Brigham smelters .
3 For an official to be able to act in this way is probably unique in the world , and it is almost certain that the high motives of the draftees of this regulation have never been fully recognised .
4 New research has shown that UVA causes severe ageing changes in the skin of mice and it is virtually certain that humans get degenerative changes , too , and perhaps acceleration of skin cancers .
5 He was the last missioner to the deaf to be Chairman of the BDA , and it is virtually certain that he was the last hearing person to hold this office .
6 To understand this point you should imagine ( or even actually perform ) your pronunciation of a sentence in a number of different ways : for example , if the sentence was ‘ I want to buy a new car ’ and you were to say it in the following ways : ‘ pleading ’ , ‘ angry ’ , ‘ sad ’ , ‘ happy ’ , ‘ proud ’ , it is certain that at least some of your performances will be different from some others , but it is also certain that the technique for analysing and transcribing intonation introduced earlier in the course will be found inadequate to represent the different things you do .
7 Sources within TRT said it was considering whether apply for a licence of its own , but it is not certain that the company will actually need one : it may be able to operate under the Worldcom licence — assuming that IDB 's acquisition goes through , TRT and Worldcom will share the same parent .
8 According to Mark Raymond , senior analyst at consultancy DataPro , ‘ The action will clearly strengthen the chances of it becoming the industry standard , but it is not certain that it will influence the IEEE ’ .
9 Were all the surface repositories on Mars to be included then the depletions would be reduced , but it is not certain that they would be eliminated .
10 That coins were minted in the names of bishops and churches is clear , but it is not certain that they mark an encroachment into a royal preserve .
11 IBM also has an opening for a president , but it is not certain whether Gerstner wants a president .
12 Many birds give alarm calls to warn of danger , but it is not certain whether the acoustic properties of the alarm calls make them difficult to locate .
13 There was also a small priory at Brimpsfield , but it is not certain if the church was the priory church .
14 Nobody knows exactly who built South Luffenham , but it is almost certain that an architect called John Sturges supplied the drawings .
15 There is no record of John having been apprehended and/or fined at that time , but it is almost certain that he would be dealt with in some way .
16 As in the case of Sugar , the ORB 's of both of these Squadrons are incomplete regarding ED888 , but it is fairly certain that it completed at least 140 operations .
17 For many years they were regarded as colonial coelenterates , but it is now certain that they are unrelated to the jellyfish and their allies , and in fact are distant cousins to a small group of tube-dwelling organisms with little fossil record , which belong to the minor phylum Hemichordata .
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