Example sentences of "[coord] it [be] widely [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The European Community ( EC ) , for example , actually came into existence largely through an acute perception of French national interests by Jean Monnet , who was mainly responsible for creating the European Coal and Steel Community — the precursor of the Common Market — as a means of protecting French industry and especially French steel makers from their more efficient German competitors ; and it is widely recognized at the present time that national interests continue to play a major part in the debates and decisions of the Community .
2 It is the major medium for high-level training and it is widely used in most other forms of interaction .
3 SCP is not eligible for rediscount with the Bank of England but it is attractive to a much wider range of investors than bankers ' acceptances , and it is widely held outside the banking sector by institutional investors such as insurance companies and pension funds .
4 CNC machine tool manufacturers have often promoted their products with the claim that they can be operated by unskilled operators , and it was widely believed for some time that engineering companies were taking the opportunity given by the introduction of CNC machine tools to replace skilled craft workers by unskilled or semi-skilled operators on the shop-floor , and putting white-collared technicians in the programming office .
5 The postponement meant that such functions would be discharged by local officials who held office by virtue of their appointment by the government , and it was widely feared by the opposition that many would use their powers to manipulate the vote in an attempt to secure the return of the DLP .
6 Mr Kinnock is not obliged to include Mr McNamara in his first Cabinet but it is widely expected in the province that the Liverpool-born Roman Catholic would assume the portfolio that he has shadowed for more than five years .
7 In relation to the recommendations Chair , I just pick on four points , the first one is , that at the political level , the proposal in the paper , and I should say , erm , and this is a matter of judgment , but it was widely supported by people I spoke to , there was considerable uncertainty and ambiguity in people 's minds about , about the present structure , in terms of the responsibilities of the J C C , vis a vis the community care advisory sub-committee .
8 But it was widely abandoned by the 1970s , a decade that historians may come to dub the graveyard of the socialist idea .
9 Highly aggressive in tone and content , the authenticity of the memorial has yet to be proved , but it was widely circulated in China , where it was believed to be genuine , especially as the policies of the 1930s seemed to be fully in accordance with it .
10 The latter action was exclusively unofficial , and repudiated by the union , but it was widely known to be organised in secret by a small group of shop stewards .
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