Example sentences of "[coord] it [is] clear that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Science is no more dead than any of its rivals , but flip through Omni , the most successful science glossy , and it 's clear that the appeal has changed .
2 Hustle the Safrane along some backroads and it 's clear that the adaptive damping is a major asset .
3 The Prince of Wales will open it , and it is clear that a weak environmentalism informs much of the festival 's symbolism .
4 Combine this with more than 200 branches ( all separate charities ) , ‘ a massive number ’ of animal homes and an inspectorate which is ‘ probably the largest private prosecutor in the country ’ , and it is clear that a close rein has to be kept on finances .
5 It shows , unequivocally , that many men in the last years of their lives do assume roles and perform tasks which have been traditionally associated with women , and it is clear that a substantial number do so with skill and tenderness .
6 By and large , the first three factors can be discounted for the inter-war years and it is clear that the most important factor was the decline in birth rate .
7 If the person who caused the nuisance can not be found and it is clear that the nuisance did not arise as the result of the act , default or sufferance of the owner or occupier , the local authority itself may take steps to abate it and prevent a recurrence .
8 Little systematic evidence on Asian girls is available at present , but it is emerging that their educational achievements are continually improving and it is clear that the common image of the docile Asian girl uninterested in education and ‘ torn ’ between western and Asian cultures is a gross stereotype ( Brah and Minhas , 1986 ) .
9 The notice-board in the workroom contains heartfelt letters of thanks from those who have received their new books and it is clear that the sense of involvement in the lives of real and unfortunate people in the outside world draws a very positive response from the men involved .
10 This justification was provided by the castle of Clairvaux and it is clear that the scheme very nearly worked .
11 The orientation of the spin axis has been determined from the rotation of details in the bands , and it is clear that the bands are parallel to the equator .
12 Almost every excavation which has been conducted in the area bounded by the River Alne on the east and north-east , the marsh on the north and north-west , Ryknild Street on the west and the boundary ditch on the south has produced evidence , however slight , for structures of one sort or another , and it is clear that the whole town was several times the size of the walled area .
13 If we have only been on cover for a short time and it is clear that the majority of the damage occurred before we came on cover , the claim should be referred to the previous insurers .
14 ICC is the income consumption curve , and it is clear that the total provision of the good will increase as the local authority receives the grant .
15 But it is clear that a major function of topic marking is precisely to relate the marked utterance to some specific topic raised in the prior discourse , t.e .
16 The heralds and the disciplinary officers could achieve much ; but it is clear that no factor could ensure a greater respect for the rules of war and for the interests and property of the non-combatant than could firm leadership .
17 But it is clear that the present ecology of the lake can not be sustained .
18 This may well be true , but it is clear that the somewhat unorthodox background of the Emperor himself was probably a factor .
19 This can be explained in part by the large numbers of dogs that were imported initially , but it is clear that the breed has really taken off and is now firmly established in the top ten most popular breeds in New Zealand .
20 But it is clear that the future lies with a microkernel , which IBM dubs the Workplace OS and will be using to host future versions of OS/2 , AIX and MS-DOS with Windows .
21 But it is clear that the future lies with a microkernel , which IBM dubs the Workplace OS and will be using to host future versions of OS/2 , AIX and MS-DOS with Windows .
22 But it is clear that the mere existence of an alternative remedy does not oust judicial review .
23 But it is clear that the data collected in close investigations of live speech communities are much richer than the data preserved from early language states , and they are observable in a larger number of dimensions and at a much finer level of detail ; thus , the patterns revealed in systematic investigations of live communities appear to the observer as much more variable and multidimensional than historical patterns ( as these are usually reported ) .
24 He retained this seat in the next four Parliaments , working for local bills in 1621 and 1624 , but it is clear that the ‘ country ’ for which he spoke was more often Sussex than Essex .
25 The Compton census figures probably understate the strength of Nonconformity , but it is clear that the number of adherents did not rise dramatically until the Evangelical Revival of the later-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .
26 In their efforts to master Congress , presidents have normally given a high priority to working through their party 's legislative leaders , but it is clear that an amicable and productive relationship with such leaders was not established during the Nixon years .
27 And it must be flexible — defining the kind of flexibility required is difficult , but it is clear that an entirely rigid system is impractical .
28 But it 's clear that no amount of research will answer what seems at the outset to be a simple question , that is , ‘ Is golf good for the environment ? ’ the reply has to be , ‘ It depends . ’
29 Perhaps the display asked more questions than it answered but it 's clear that the young stars are staking claims early .
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