Example sentences of "[coord] a [adj] proportion of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 About a quarter of participants , however , did not operate an asthma clinic or employ a practice nurse trained in asthma care , and a small proportion of participants did not possess a portable nebuliser .
2 In looking at changes in marriage patterns alone , one finds that , generally speaking , people are marrying younger and a higher proportion of women are marrying .
3 These figures are produced by a combination of younger marriages and a higher proportion of women marrying .
4 The specialised histological type is associated with a higher rate of cell turnover as shown by thymidine labelling and a higher proportion of cells in cycle ( by proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunolocalisation ) than junctional and fundic types .
5 There is a concentration of specialised services and a higher proportion of admissions occur for elective treatments and through A&E than emergency GP referral .
6 The average delay periods have reduced considerably in recent years , and a larger proportion of researchers publish before completion of their research , possibly reflecting increasing pressure to produce measurable , quantitative results from research in order to influence funding bodies .
7 Many of the graphite pits were in the Western and Southern Provinces , and a large proportion of miners who worked in other districts came from these areas .
8 Renberg , Korsman and Birks use sediment composition to determine the effects of land-use change wrought by Iron Age peoples in 14 widely separated lakes in southern Sweden ( where acid deposition is a severe problem today and a large proportion of lakes are acidified ) .
9 Secular attitudes go with a low proportion of population engaged in family farming and agriculture and a high proportion of women working ( Lesthaeghe 1983 ) .
10 To win Test matches , one has to take wickets consistently , and a high proportion of chances come off the outside edge of the bat .
11 Although many port wine stains in adults can be effectively treated with a pulsed dye laser , this may not be the most effective treatment and a considerable proportion of lesions do not respond .
12 Disputes between natural and adoptive parents are not unusual and a fair proportion of arrangements break down .
13 In times gone by Dutch cattle were dual-purpose types , as meat was required from the dairy herd as well as milk , but since the early 1970s there has been an increasing use of American Holstein-Friesians in the Netherlands to increase the milk yields of the Dutch Friesian ( which has lower yields than the Holstein type but a higher proportion of solids in the milk ) .
14 On the contrary , not only were some publications from each decade of the present century in need of attention , but a significant proportion of items from its first three decades proved defective , with 19% of items published between 1900 and 1909 showing the need for repair — a higher proportion than for any group other than 19th Century publications .
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