Example sentences of "[coord] all [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Flustered , Rory turned her back on him and all but ran for the kitchen .
2 Shae turned and all but ran from the coffee-bar , ignoring Gavin when he called after her .
3 This approach to treatment , strong in the nineteenth century and all but eclipsed in the twentieth , is still waiting in the wings .
4 When Hook , communing with his ego , murmured , ‘ How still the night is ; nothing sounds alive … split my infinitives , but ‘ t is my hour of triumph ’ , the mast creaked ominously and all but fell against the backcloth .
5 For their sins , they were both nailed and all but crucified on the reef .
6 BASICALLY , THESE are the blues after they got molested , divested and all but drowned in the swamps ; to this end the Babes are the inheritors of The Birthday Party 's unholy rule book .
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