Example sentences of "[coord] it is [adv] true that " in BNC.

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1 It is true , for instance , that God is good ; and it is also true that Julius Caesar invaded Britain .
2 Now it is totally true , that the start of that O C S contract was a disaster , and it is also true that several months on , the pay of the cleaners is still not being correctly done , and concerns are being raised in the governors , it 's a four years contract , being an L M S contract , and under G M S they are submitting one year contracts .
3 As for propinquity it seems that he included this mainly because his theory of value was closely linked with his theory of motivation , and it is psychologically true that we are more influenced by thoughts of the more immediate than the more remote future .
4 Nigel Newton explains this figure as a reflection of the ‘ very strong final quarter which Bloomsbury had that year , and in particular the strong December ’ ; and it is indeed true that trade publishers , whose sales are usually loaded towards the last quarter , generally have high debtors at year end .
5 And it is certainly true that , on previous form , the centre party has failed to extract any long-term benefit from recent occasions when it has held the balance of power .
6 TNC has been strongly attacked for taking a very narrow and old fashioned view of the curriculum as a collection of subjects ; and it is certainly true that the more sophisticated thinking of HMI on these matters appears to have been disregarded .
7 And it is certainly true that the surveying profession was outraged at the ‘ Flynn system , ’ as it was soon called .
8 It used to be thought that the Revolution assured regular Parliaments , and it is certainly true that since 1689 there has not been one year without the meeting of Parliament .
9 But armed forces are not known for being bastions of sentiment and it is definitely true that had the SAAF really needed to replace both types , it would have found a way to do so .
10 But it is also true that warrants to the security services may be renewed for six months at a time .
11 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
12 But it is also true that having a bank account marks higher rather than lower socio-economic groups .
13 But it is also true that he is an old family friend . ’
14 It may be true that concepts and factual propositions are subject to change and have no consequences until engaged by someone 's mind , but it is also true that some transmission of knowing does take place , and that a facility with , or mastery of , those concepts and propositions is necessary to further development .
15 But it is also true that journalists and editors know full well that public relations is an important source of information for their work and often can be the instrument through which they may obtain their story .
16 We do not disagree that the financial health of the NHS requires attention , but it is also true that the NHS is caught in a gridlock of unevaluated and inefficient practice in which most major policy decisions are still left to individual clinicians ; this situation requires urgent attention .
17 This is in part due to the fact that the program has an extremely intuitive use interface but it is also true that the program is essentially quite simple .
18 Genuine cannibalism has certainly been a characteristic of human culture in many different parts of the world at many different periods of history ; but it is also true that explorers , missionaries , and respected anthropologists have all , very frequently , given credence to stories about cannibalism which have no basis in any kind of evidence .
19 But it is also true that Rolle was in the habit of reworking old material with variations in different works and that the manuscript ascriptions to him suggest that there was no discomfort in seeing the Meditations as part of the Rolle canon in the late medieval period .
20 But it is also true that he describes this final state as one illumined so as " forto se by vnderstondyng whilk is god , and also gostly thynges with a soft swete brennand loue in hym " ( 8.282b. – 82 ) ; and in Mixed Life Rachel is also defined as " of bigynnynge is God , and bitokene liyf contemplatif " ( 30 – 1.342 – 3 ) .
21 Efforts made by communist states to reduce inequalities vary , but it is generally true that bureaucrats are better off than those they rule .
22 But it is not true that if we know which drug to prescribe , we know all that is necessary to know about schizophrenia .
23 But it is not true that Freudian theory has no space for ideas of unity or autonomy .
24 You can read English and you are reading this book , but it is not true that if you can read English you are reading this book .
25 Again , we do not have room to delve into the fascinating area of population changes , but it is clearly true that in the Western world there is an older and ageing population that is radically altering the shape of the population curve .
26 But it is equally true that there are general principles for successful teaching and learning which apply to all children .
27 But it is equally true that there is no way of foreseeing the health status of the very elderly of 2010 or 2022 ; people grown up in the historically exceptionally prosperous period since World War Two may have very different health expectations than those currently aged over 75 who were born before 1911 in a very different environment from the present .
28 But it is still true that most members of the professions , accountancy , the law and banking , to whom people intending to start a business might turn for advice on how to constitute or finance it , will propose a company incorporated under the Companies Acts , or perhaps a partnership .
29 It is easy to understand Bilbo 's pity but it is still true that Gollum deserved death for all the wrong he did , but Frodo must remember that it would be unfair to Gollum as there are others who also deserve death .
30 But it is certainly true that in the last sixty years the various schools and academies of acting have had a significant effect on the climate of acting .
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