Example sentences of "[coord] it [is] difficult [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 We think that the er residents of a new settlement will still look to York as the natural centre for employment , for er provision of most employment , retailing and entertainment , and if you compare it with something like er Easingwold , erm which is of a similar size , erm this has achieved a degree a degree of self containment and balance , but this has occurred through erm a long period of development and a gradual growth of erm social linkages and economic linkages , however , even with such erm a gradual growth erm it 's not got a high degree of self containment , erm recent developments in er transport and changes in lifestyle have reduced this even further , and it 's difficult to believe that er a proposal , such as a new settlement er which is explicitly intended to cater for the development needs of York , located only ten miles from York can achieve the same level of self containment .
2 Sometimes the purpose is simply intimidatory , as with the racist march , rather than an attempt to coerce persons into taking or not pursuing any particular course of action , and it is difficult to see that conditions could be imposed on a ‘ racist ’ march on this ground alone .
3 For numerous studies have shown that a high percentage of the population have committed criminal offences , in particular high proportions of juveniles , and it is difficult to believe that they are all different or abnormal .
4 By day , Claxby signal box is warm and friendly and it is difficult to believe that any mysterious events could take place there .
5 The change is revolutionary , and it is difficult to believe that Freud had nothing to do with it ( though , possibly , through misunderstandings of what he said ) .
6 They came from a variety of schools and backgrounds and it is difficult to believe that their pupils are more immune to racial prejudice than those mentioned above , or that such wording does not encourage prejudice , albeit subconsciously .
7 But it is difficult to imagine that shaikhs had more power in the pre-Sanusi period than in the 1970s : if anything , accretions of status increased their authority during the Italian government and the kingdom ( so that a shaikh was an obvious candidate for the office of al-mukhtar al-mahalli ) .
8 I would not wish to underestimate the capabilities of my fellow countrymen for self-deception ; but it is difficult to believe that there can be further instalments of the saga which began for the people of Great Britain with the successful revolt of the American colonies .
9 But it is difficult to believe that directors do not give at least some consideration to the impact of their decisions on employees in any event , regardless of the section .
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