Example sentences of "[coord] whether [ex0] be any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is the doing of one or more acts which individually or collectively amount to such adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner 's rights which constitute appropriation under section 3(1) and I do not think it matters where there is more than one such act in which order the successive acts take place , or whether there is any interval of time between them .
2 Now I 'm wondering how easy or whether there 's any mileage in actually having a report coming to our next committee , to actually build on that so that we 've actually got something to pull on figures to consider erm , and if , and it , it is going to detrimentally impact upon us to a greater or lesser extent , then , then obviously it 's helpful to me .
3 What we do not know is who came to power in Northumbria during Ceolwulf 's temporary deposition nor whether there was any connection between the controversies surrounding Wilfrid and those now involving Acca .
4 Secondly , contract specifications ( and successful contracts ) should be scrutinised in order to assess how careful the purchaser has specified the requirements and whether there is any evidence that , through the contracting process , cost-effective medical technologies are being encouraged .
5 It is helpful at this stage to establish whether the client has panic attacks , and whether there is any degree of hyperventilation .
6 You will know your own requirements for telephones , so check with the vendor and British Telecom what system you are inheriting and whether there are any problems in that area .
7 It may be quite difficult to ascertain the conditions a patient will go home to and whether there are any risks involved .
8 And whether there are any points of unification at all and if so what they are to identify them and so on .
9 The research aims to ascertain whether or not there is general satisfaction with existing legal forms among small businesses , and whether there are any aspects of the regulations which give particular rise to concern .
10 Erm many factors effect what type and extent of convergence happens erm and these can include the range of the speakers repertoire , the probability that there will be future interactions with the same listener , erm the status relationship between the two participants and whether there 's any recollections of previous shifts made by the listener in the same conversation .
11 This led to a fourth type of work which discussed the nature and limits of philosophy itself and whether there was any place for women in it , and considered whether the basic assumptions of philosophy included or excluded women .
12 You will be asked for details of any previous pregnancies , including miscarriages or abortions , and whether there were any problems in pregnancy , birth , or afterwards .
13 In particular , we were interested in examining whether there were any changes in the age distribution of known heroin users , whether heroin use had spread from the most socially deprived areas to adjacent areas and middle-class communities , and whether there were any indications that heroin users were turning from ‘ chasing the dragon ’ ( smoking ) to injecting heroin .
14 I reported them when I went up but whether there was any success in the things I just do n't know .
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