Example sentences of "[coord] whether [ex0] be [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these responsibilities are defined more specifically , but the way they are carried out will vary from field to field depending on the involvement of the appropriate Head of Department , the presence of Principal Lecturers with defined responsibilities , and whether there are several fields with common modules .
2 You will know your own requirements for telephones , so check with the vendor and British Telecom what system you are inheriting and whether there are any problems in that area .
3 It may be quite difficult to ascertain the conditions a patient will go home to and whether there are any risks involved .
4 And whether there are any points of unification at all and if so what they are to identify them and so on .
5 The research aims to ascertain whether or not there is general satisfaction with existing legal forms among small businesses , and whether there are any aspects of the regulations which give particular rise to concern .
6 Erm many factors effect what type and extent of convergence happens erm and these can include the range of the speakers repertoire , the probability that there will be future interactions with the same listener , erm the status relationship between the two participants and whether there 's any recollections of previous shifts made by the listener in the same conversation .
7 You will be asked for details of any previous pregnancies , including miscarriages or abortions , and whether there were any problems in pregnancy , birth , or afterwards .
8 In particular , we were interested in examining whether there were any changes in the age distribution of known heroin users , whether heroin use had spread from the most socially deprived areas to adjacent areas and middle-class communities , and whether there were any indications that heroin users were turning from ‘ chasing the dragon ’ ( smoking ) to injecting heroin .
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