Example sentences of "[coord] after [adv] [num] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 The garage charges six pounds a day for storage … and after nearly two months the total bill is four hundred and eighty nine pounds .
2 Indian tours have never been simple affairs and after barely 24 hours the current one is shaping up like its predecessors .
3 There were two jangling mistakes from Horner giving away early penalty points to Soutter , and after only 11 minutes the former champion had pocketed the first game with a good backhand drop from a short ball .
4 The ‘ A ’ or No. 1 solution is then applied liberally and after about 10 minutes the second solution is applied .
5 I had five shots of local anaesthetic , and after about 10 minutes the surgeon pulled out this wriggling black larva and everyone burst into applause , but the photographer said , ‘ Oh , I missed that , can you put it back in so I can take a shot ? ’
6 In a few seconds the fuse caught , and after about ten seconds the mass of flame blew up and out , throwing something black and smoking twenty metres or more into the late-afternoon air and scattering pieces all over the Grounds .
7 But after nearly six weeks the look-out spotted a branch covered in berries — a sign that land was near .
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