Example sentences of "[coord] suggest that it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But it is not my intention to rehabilitate this theory , or to suggest that it is allegorically preferable to current theories of sexual difference .
2 This , coupled with its comparative rarity in the Western world , has lead some of the more cynical amongst physicians to doubt its very existence , and to suggest that it is really a collection of ulcerative genital conditions including herpes and trauma .
3 I would go further and suggest that it is also ideologically unsound .
4 They insisted that neither loyalists nor republicans would have left 200 lb of explosive within a few feet of men and women working contentedly in the bakery kitchen and suggested that it was more like the work of outside agents , acting under strict and impersonal orders .
5 At that stage , the Secretary of State said that the Bill was a tremendous step forward for Scottish education , and suggested that it was almost home rule being delivered in one fell swoop .
6 But although Lobkowicz ( 1967 ) cautions us against assuming that Aristotle 's distinction between theory and practice is similar to today 's usage , and suggests that it was as much a matter of the context as the content of knowledge — types of life as well as types of thought — the dichotomy is still very much with us .
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