Example sentences of "[coord] [det] was [adv] far as " in BNC.

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1 And that was as far as she got because the crash-bang music gave the final crash , the stage lights held for a moment and then cut to blackout , and there was a smattering of couldn't-care-less applause from the front of the house .
2 As she was only about fourteen , we always bought a few dark-red carnations from her , but that was as far as we would go , to her surprise and indignation .
3 ‘ I entered a few eisteddfods and competitions and did the exams but that was as far as I went .
4 But that was as far as you could go and often he became in a rather dubious position himself through doing that sort of thing .
5 The League of Nations and the Danzig Senate exchanged notes of protest , but that was as far as the League pursued the matter .
6 But that was as far as their thinking took them .
7 Lights were visible now in sundry windows , but that was as far as reactions seemed to go .
8 My parents both showed interest in my academic work , and my mother some minimal interest in the personalities of my teachers or friends , but that was as far as it went .
9 I picked out the Plough , and Orion , and the Pleiades , and of course the long splashing trail of the Milky Way , but that was as far as my knowledge went .
10 ‘ I gave her my condolences , ’ she said , properly , ‘ but that was as far as it went .
11 He was attracted to her , as any red-blooded male would be to any presentable woman in these circumstances , but that was as far as it went and it was up to her to make sure her own feelings did n't betray her .
12 The Cabots had sailed for Newfoundland but that was as far as it went .
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