Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [is] likely to be " in BNC.

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1 A supervisor denied access to a supervised child may apply for a warrant of police assistance under s102 if he has been obstructed or this is likely to be the case .
2 So let's have a look down her throat , and that 's likely to be the source of the problem .
3 And that 's likely to be stretched to the limit .
4 Though a few interesting buildings have given way to typically undistinguished modern blocks , the architecture of Princes Street was never outstanding and little is likely to be lost , though little gained by the innovations .
5 But there are other reasons for farmers switching to autumn cereals than a desire to curb nitrate pollution , and this is likely to be the limit of what the ‘ voluntary approach ’ can achieve .
6 The possibility of attracting outside investment only really exists for a corporate entity and this is likely to be a further reason for surveyors ' considering various comparisons between the partnership and corporate structure for the running of their businesses .
7 The maximum flush permitted on new wcs in the UK was reduced from 9 litres to 7.5 litres from 1989 , and this is likely to be further reduced to 6 litres .
8 Convex is developing a Scalable Coherent Interface high-speed bus to link processors in a future generation of its machines , and this is likely to be used to link the workstations to the C-series machines in the cluster .
9 The Government has yet to appoint its three Committee members , and this is likely to be a long business , since confusion still reigns following the April elections .
10 In most peasant communities agricultural operations are of considerable communal significance , and this is likely to be particularly true of wet-rice agriculture where irrigation is the key to survival .
11 The same memorandum shows that these measures , costing £3,670 , absorbed all Edward IV 's cash reserves , and this is likely to be the origin of Mancini 's story of the Woodvilles ' raid on the king 's treasury .
12 Assuming , on facts such as those in Bartlett , that the directors have sufficiently researched a project , it is not evident how a court could determine whether the expected profits justify the risks involved , and this is likely to be the case with respect to much business decision making .
13 The RNA polymerase has been shown to bend and untwist the DNA upon promoter recognition at several promoters ( 34–36 ) , and this is likely to be a general phenomenon required for the formation of transcription complexes .
14 The same memorandum shows that these measures , costing £3,670 , absorbed all Edward IV 's cash reserves , and this is likely to be the origin of Mancini 's story of the Woodvilles ' raid on the king 's treasury .
15 Weathering rates and the intensity of leaching depend critically on the total throughput of water and this is likely to be far higher on a steep , well-drained slope than in flat terrain with poor drainage .
16 The detection of insider dealing has increased ( although the conviction rate is still poor ) , and this is likely to be a reflection of better channels of detection rather than any upsurge in the problem as previously it was not a criminal offence ( and in some circles was regarded as a perk of the job ) .
17 The region of similarity between DP-1 and E2F-1 is likely to be an important part of their DNA-binding domains , but we can not distinguish whether it is involved in recognizing the E2F sequence per se or if it provides a dimerization domain which then allows sequence-specific recognition .
18 In Venezuela a major ( $18 billion ) VHO project for the Orinoco region has been deferred due to economic problems but this is likely to be resumed before the end of the century .
19 Partnerships could be the host organisations for such research and development but this is likely to be regarded as too esoteric , too far from the pragmatic concerns of the immediate .
20 Initially this could be a minor subject in a combined studies degree ( Computer Science and EP or Library Science and EP ) but this is likely to be only a short step before the full degree course materializes .
21 It is therefore fair to say that , as a general rule , the courts are prepared to imply some degree of mobility into every contract of employment but this is likely to be limited unless the nature of the job or work performed by the employee is one where mobility would be recognised by both sides as being essential to the job .
22 There is an increase in risk due to irradiation of the breast , but this is likely to be small and is best estimated from a woman 's age and dose of irradiation .
23 They were assumed by the Icelandic author of the mid-thirteenth-century Knytlinga Saga , the only source in which they appear , to refer to Cnut 's conquest of 1015 – 16 , but this is likely to be an error , for attacks were made on London in 1009 too , and Ringmere was certainly fought in 1010 .
24 But this is likely to be the first and last time Witney sees the Hungarian State Circus … in February , the town council , banned circus with animals from using its land … and Witney Town Council where the big top 's been pitched is to be redevloped … leaving no large town centre site .
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