Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] be [adv] aware that " in BNC.

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1 Leigh had made it clear to Olivier during this time of her mental illness that she no longer loved him , and Olivier was well aware that his wife wanted to be with Finchie .
2 Like most others who managed to remain — tolerantly and understandingly — friends of Hopper 's , Fonda and Nicholson were well aware that he had suffered disappointment after disappointment during the mid-Sixties .
3 Jotan 's sister was eighteen , and Burun was constantly aware that he would have to find her a husband before the year was out , otherwise she would be entitled to go with any man she chose .
4 And people are sometimes aware that the kind of stress they feel is different depending on what the stressful circumstances are .
5 The 600 staff and operatives are well aware that they have everything to play for .
6 Being a mere apprentice was boring and carried no cachet , and Lydia was dauntedly aware that she had a long way to go before she achieved the skills and ease of perfection .
7 Many naturalists and others are well aware that the content of one 's own mind determines the way in which not only members of our own species react to us but also those of other species , too .
8 Medics and educationalists were keenly aware that the best way of inculcating the laws of health was through a stress on the pleasures to be gained from PT .
9 Continuing reliance might be placed upon the " civilizing influence of literature but teachers were also aware that for many students a degree in English was simply a necessary preliminary to a career in business , commerce , the civil service , teaching broadcasting , or journalism .
10 He had taken the trouble to seek out the young man in the morning and tease him into conversation — as he thought subtly , but Harrison was immediately aware that he was being sized up .
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