Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] be nothing [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And there 's nothing to the costume — I 've got a string of them from the greengrocer round the comer , for you to hang around your neck … ’
2 If you find that the list of ‘ do n't likes ’ is very long and there is nothing on the other side to counteract it , you are not telling the truth .
3 And there is nothing in the judgment of Luxmoore J. to indicate that , having rejected the non est factum plea , he thought that he had any discretionary power to order rectification of the charges register .
4 Scamander in Homer takes human form to fight Achilles , and there is nothing in the least improbable in the personification of rivers in fifth-century art ; indeed there are almost certain examples on coins .
5 Sometimes he 'd look across at me , when my mum was deep in a copy of Psychic News and there was nothing on the television , any time from May to October .
6 the sticker was at the bottom , and there was nothing at the top and she , and she was still looking down at it , in other words there was nothing in it before
7 Erm and there was nothing within the development plan system which would preclude this .
8 But Robbie Supple had been keeping his powder dry on Very Very Ordinary and there was nothing in the least ‘ ordinary ’ about the long , relentless charge with which they mowed down the leading pair between the last two fences .
9 And there was nothing in the early editions , anyway .
10 After a while the road ran out and there was nothing in the bleak landscape but loose boulders , rocks , yaks and wild asses .
11 One did not have to oppose the war to oppose its consequences ; and there was nothing in the least unpatriotic about the demands for ‘ equality of sacrifice ’ .
12 It was probably her most annoying characteristic that in a room full of beauties she would comport herself as one with a right to be there , and there was nothing in the world that anyone could do to disabuse her .
13 Only a return to US price stability would allow a once-and-for-all rise in the gold price to work , and there was nothing in the act of raising the price of gold which would make that more likely ( indeed , the improved gold backing for the dollar would relax such pressure as there was on the US government to maintain price stability in order to defend the dollar ) .
14 I 've been infatuated before and it 's nothing to the pain of this .
15 Certainly not — as a matter of fact , I holidayed not half an hour 's drive from your house , at the bottom of Loch Ness , and it was nothing like the Bahamas — we journalists ca n't afford to go to such places .
16 I was cast opposite him but I was nothing like the draw he was and we had had a dodgy time on tour .
17 A 100-yard net can be properly set in less than five minutes — I could do that single-handed out of experience , but there is nothing in the technique that any novice need regard as prohibitive .
18 Now the Board of Practice and Procedure has a budget and w which we have already negotiated , and we 're hoping to be able to hold our presbytery clerks conference but there is nothing in the budget that could possibly cope with these additional conferences and these would therefore be new and additional expenditure , and this motion can not therefore be treated as competent .
19 A description of all ventures that take advantage of the registration system is published , but there is nothing in the registration system which guarantees immunity from antitrust prosecution for any particular venture .
20 But there is nothing in the dish , ’ Mark pointed out .
21 But there 's nothing in the rules against it . ’
22 He 's initialled Bradley 's result on the Pascoe file , but there 's nothing in the book .
23 But there was nothing of the old maid about her .
24 But there was nothing on the horizon .
25 But there was nothing on the bed .
26 He looked in the shed but there was nothing except the dank smell of bare , sour soil .
27 At one point he knelt down and parted the heather with his hands , so sure was he that he had found it , but there was nothing but the scree and the tiny plants which grew amongst it .
28 We can assume that the Norse invasions of the later ninth and tenth centuries had some influence on the more vulnerable coastal churches , but there was nothing like the disruption which drove many northern bishoprics southwards for over a century .
29 The Tolkien children were invited to swim and punt on Lewis 's lake at The Kilns , but there was nothing in the way of a ‘ family friendship ’ between the two .
30 But there was nothing in the shifting canyons of frozen carbon dioxide to tell her .
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