Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [am/are] glad [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 There was an impression that my milkmaid friend was what is called well-connected , and I am glad to say that as she grew old she was , as it were , gathered in , to be near her relatives .
2 ‘ A very good point ’ , he said ‘ and I am glad to say that we have the whole matter under constant study . ’
3 I met the management of Trent Buses , which operates in a very competitive , deregulated environment , and I am glad to say that its investment programme over the past five years has been impressive .
4 It has been a faithful city , and I am glad to say that , throughout this century , it has been very faithful to the Conservative party .
5 These are very serious matters and I am glad to see that the civil servants are leaving the Box to find the answers .
6 What we did was we based our forecast , which I think Mr raised that point , we based our forecast on the admissions that we did at the Department of Social Security and I 'm glad to say that we have been significantly under that level and partly I think because er we 've had people who have genuinely diverted into home care and who 've been able to which is why we 've put the pressure on home care and on the occupational therapy services and partly because erm the , there were some inappropriate admissions I must say that .
7 I 'm also very worried , and this has been mentioned erm , by Mr , that the er , the Home Secretary seems to regard the police constabulary as a mere crime busting organisation , whereas really , the preventative work , the crime prevention , the work in the schools and the community work is absolutely vital if we are ever to solve , erm , we 're ever to stop , the er , if we 're ever able to stop the rise in crime , and this really has to be done hand in hand , I feel with local councils , and I 'm glad to say that there are some initiatives around , one of them in Mr 's own district , which is making erm , some very important steps towards that .
8 Now we 're meeting that in full and I 'm glad to see that all three fiscal groups er proposing to meet that in full .
9 I once heard Dr Starkie lecture , and I 'm glad to report that she had an atrocious French accent ; one of those deliveries full of dame-school confidence and absolutely no ear , swerving between workaday correctness and farcical error , often within the same word .
10 At the first , there was not much co-operation , but I am glad to say that in October the association announced a scheme similar to that which my hon. Friend suggested — to offer discounts to certain car owners who have security devices fitted when the car is being made in the factory .
11 Two hundred thousand to improve the provision for extra pupils , here again er lot 's come out of er , the , the , but er ministers wax eloquent about what we should er do about this mounting problem of erm , of er truancy exclusion , discipline in general , erm , they tell us what to do , they tell us , er we must have er referral units and what have you , but then dont' give us any funds to do the job , but I 'm glad to say that all three party agreement that er that two hundred thousand or so , it to improve the er the , the service for extra pupils .
12 It is interesting , is n't it , that er I knew the road to Damascus was long , but I did n't realise it were that long cos on the second of July the Tories moved an amendment at P and R criticising us for spending money on the Lord Mayor 's car , but I 'm glad to see that you 've come back to the fold .
13 With no revenue , many magazines cut down on their pages but we are glad to say that the Ski Club of Great Britain , who publish Ski survey backed us to produce the usual number of editorial pages , so we could fit in all the information you need as committed skiers .
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