Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [be] pleased [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 We are anxious that all industrial customers should have access to competitively priced electricity and I am pleased to say that an independent survey showed that in the first year after privatisation three quarters of those customers experienced at least a 10 per cent .
2 Fortunately , his family was able to come here later and I am pleased to say that they now live here safely .
3 The decision was communicated to our staff late in 1992 and I am pleased to say that the wind-down has been handled as efficiently as could be wished .
4 ‘ We are determined to return to profitability during 1993 and I am pleased to say that overall our plans to achieve this appear to be well on course , ’ he said .
5 But that in no way affected my admiration for what Winston had done , and I am pleased to think that on one or two occasions I have been able to render him some modest service in the way of a reward for this particular display of public courage .
6 I received it , along with her idea for making a Christmas fairy , just in time for the festive season and I 'm pleased to say that I made my fairy thanks to Mrs Sall and the post office .
7 I spent hours trying to answer that query — and I 'm pleased to say that experience has proved that we were n't entirely loony .
8 The only saving grace is that under pressure your decision-making seems to speed up and I 'm pleased to say that , instead of freezing , I quickly resolved that there was no way I could brake or slew the aircraft — still travelling at 55 or 60 mph — away from the ditch .
9 which we did , and I 'm pleased to say that they endorsed that that general position , in other words their not going to come to a conclusion whether or not they should take any part in the proceedings , whether they should intervene or seek to stop the project until much later in the day .
10 Lincolnshire has a lot of history of being a well managed authority , a proved exercising sound controls on its financial and management affairs , and I 'm pleased to say that I 'm again in a position to confirm that that is our view , for the conduct of the Council 's business in the period on which we are reporting .
11 And so on and I 'm pleased to say that they came back saying , Yeah we can still hold our head up high .
12 Both are members of the Penygroes RFC and I 'm pleased to report that out of the two games played , Penygroes won both , with scoring 6 tries , making the results 28–17 and 26–15 .
13 We much enjoyed your visit during the vacation , and your mother and I were pleased to hear that you are attending to your studies and making a circle of friends .
14 Wendy and I were pleased to find that we were to be billeted in the same small town of Wolverton — pleased , that is , until we saw it !
15 Yes , I welcome the substantial orders that have been received and I was pleased to see that in the past few days a number of them have come here .
16 Jenna glared at him , her cheeks burning hot , and she was pleased to see that he looked satisfyingly startled at her temper .
17 Mike was waiting for her in the lobby when she came down , and she was pleased to see that he too had dressed as informally as possible in deference to the humidity .
18 The gradual transformation from squalor to cleanliness gave her satisfaction , and she was pleased to think that the others would be pleased too .
19 Quite a few readers have asked if such an item is available commercially and we are pleased to report that a unit is being pilot marketed by Coltronics Systems .
20 WGOL supported Dave by financing the jump and we are pleased to report that he survived without any broken bones !
21 The WHAM team has now grown to over 350 people and we are pleased to announce that they will all be coming to QP on the first Wednesday in April to lead the business meeting .
22 I know in New York it is wealth that counts , but I am pleased to say that it is not so everywhere .
23 ‘ We read a lot these days about school and industry partnerships but I am pleased to say that ‘ partnership ’ is not a new word to us , ’ said Corporate Affairs Director and Company Secretary , Harold Bolter .
24 But I 'm pleased to say that Steg is n't the hair-tearer I initially feared it to be .
25 On the entertainments side er , last year of course we had that one-off benefit with not having to absorb the first quarter 's loss and this year the er first quarter was pretty disastrous because we had an er er an er amalgamation of , of A the Gulf War B the recession and in London I R A bombing and that really stopped tourists coming to London from overseas and from the rest of the U K. But I 'm pleased to say that er we , we 're coming back very strongly and for instance in July at virtually all of our centres attendances were either up to last year very nearl very nearly up to last year or ahead of last year and er at Chessington our revenue was thirteen and a half percent up on last year which I think justifies our investment there .
26 He laughed , but she was pleased to see that he was fast becoming his normal self , this unwonted display of humility being hidden , perhaps only ever to be shown again to someone as close as her .
27 ‘ I said I would think about it , ’ Ven cut in , but she was pleased to see that he was relaxed still , and in no way hostile at her bringing the subject up again .
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