Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [be] expected that the " in BNC.

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1 Booth says there is ‘ real interest ’ in the team 's work from established staff and it 's expected that the programme will prove useful to many people within the business .
2 Operating from batteries alone , the vehicle is of course a zero emission car and it is expected that the majority of commuting will be in this mode .
3 The aircraft is currently at Liberal being prepared for a ferry flight to Galveston and it is expected that the aircraft will be restored to full combat configuration .
4 Secondly , the number of significant train accidents recorded in 1990 was the lowest on record and it is expected that the final figure for 1991 will show a further decline .
5 It has been traditional for the theoretical chemists to run series of seminars additional to those in Physical Chemistry , and it is expected that the Coulson Professor will wish to continue this .
6 Foreign investment in 1989 rose by almost 76 per cent to 8,600 million ringgits , and it was expected that the upward trend would be maintained for 1990 .
7 Several cantons had already reduced the voting age for cantonal elections , and it was expected that the others would now introduce measures to bring their regulations into line with the new situation at federal level .
8 Various other procedures have to be gone through but it is expected that the title will be completed within the next six months .
9 Various other procedures have to be gone through but it is expected that the title will be completed within the next six months .
10 Research is being carried out with the Co-operative Bank but it is expected that the technique will be readily transferable within the service sector .
11 A detailed itinerary was not provided , but it was expected that the bulk of the meetings would be held in Washington .
12 Results for the North West Frontier Province ( NWFP ) and Baluchistan had not been finalized , but it was expected that the IDA would be in a position to form coalition governments in both provinces .
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