Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] come [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In general , this does not apply to local employment , because the newcomers either retain their employment in nearby towns and commute to work or they have come to the countryside to retire .
2 and er I 've discussed this before and I 've come to the conclusion that these children who come along with Jehovah 's Witnesses knocking on your door they 're more affected than any child once a year practising whatever you like to call it Halloween or whatever .
3 At last , seeing the impatient glint in his eyes , she drew a long breath and said , ‘ I 've been thinking things over — thinking very deeply — and I 've come to the conclusion that your idea of merging our two practices is , after all , the most sensible solution to our problem . ’
4 In my job , I had expected the sick and the dying to trust God , and I had come to the Sahara hoping to discover whether I myself would keep the faith in adverse circumstances .
5 I have for myself come to the conclusion that owing to the conditions which exist in the world today , having regard to the economic environment , having regard to the situation of our country , if we go on pattering along as we are we shall have grave unemployment with us to the end of time , and I have come to the conclusion that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home markets .
6 That correspondence got no further and I have come to the conclusion that either they all recognise my name , or else there is a conspiracy !
7 I am a recipient of Public Lending Right and I have come to the House tonight to say thank you to honourable members who were here in 1979 , when the legislation was passed . ’
8 ( I have often tried to analyse what makes this statement so amusing , and I have come to the conclusion that it is due to the words ‘ all ’ and ‘ large ’ , so that the idea becomes a preposterous one . )
9 I studied his arguments at great length over the weekend and I have come to the conclusion that much of the hon. Gentleman 's argument is extremely valid and needs a great deal of further consideration .
10 And who 's come into the side then , tell me a bit about erm Tony Primmer .
11 It was a summer afternoon — she could barely have been more than eight years old — and she had come to the Lodge with her brother and their cousin , Laetitia , who was visiting the Hall with her parents .
12 The eyes of his beloved wife , are tear-reddened ( sic ) and she has come to the awful realisation of a gap in her waning life which will never be filled .
13 Anyway I talked to Ann about this this morning and we 've come to the decision to leave it on because that 's what we did in the in the erm
14 And they had come to the conclusion that it was not American slate cos there were no quarries in that time .
15 Scientists have been measuring the tide at Burnham-on-Sea , jotting down hours of sunlight , measuring the temperature to 14 decimal places and they have come to the conclusion that water levels could rise by a foot over the next 40 years .
16 On 22 February the Chief Secretary to the Treasury , Peter Rees , had minuted the Prime Minister saying that the Chancellor and he had come to the conclusion that the Government should aim to save £2 billion from the social security review by 1987–8 .
17 Member of Clan othel URC and has worked and served as a form of day pastor at Clygarthy URC and he has come from the Anglican tradition Church of England and he has erm over the years towards the reform tradition .
18 That had stopped the Ministry ‘ dead in its tracks ’ and it had come to the conclusion that if it denied premium to the rearer of suckled calves it would eventually be challenged by a hill farmer before the European Court .
19 But I 've come to the conclusion that these are sometimes a bit astrological , particularly if you 're in a competitive situation .
20 But we 've come to the conclusion that since not everybody 's ready for it , we 'd better start packaging some of our most popular strings both ways — individually in sixes , and collectively in one packet — and let players make up their own minds .
21 But they had come to the door of her apartment and the moment was here and now , impossible to delay .
22 He always took Celia flowers and sometimes books or magazines , but he had come to the conclusion she never read them .
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