Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] the distribution [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Inasmuch as teachers by tradition are more closely associated with the planning and delivery of the curricular components of education than with arguments about priorities and about the distribution of resources , curriculum development has been a prime element of professional management .
2 Paragraph 29 of the statement of claim alleges that the third and fourth defendants and through them , the fifth defendant were ‘ knowingly concerned ’ in the breaches of section 3 , 47 , 56 and 57 in four specified respects , namely , ( i ) in authorising the transfer of a sum of U.S. $250,000 out of an account in the name of the second defendant into which investors ' money had been paid ; ( ii ) in making arrangements during the postal strike in September 1988 for the collection from investors of their cheques and for the distribution of advertisements inviting investment in Euramco ; ( iii ) in paying investors ' cheques into Pantell S.A. 's bank account ; and ( iv ) in attempting to set up an account at Barclays Bank 's Holborn branch for another company , also called Pantell S.A.
3 This trend has been driven both by shifts in fertility and in the distribution of occupations .
4 Single mothers are disrupting the conservatism of Labourism , they confront the patriarchal principles of women 's dependence which is embedded in the old labour movement 's codes of behaviour , in housing policies and in the distribution of incomes .
5 The three parties constituting Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's ruling coalition agreed on Jan. 16 on a government programme and on the distribution of portfolios , six weeks after winning the all-German general election on Dec. 2 , 1990 [ see pp. 37904-05 ] .
6 Although such rescue excavation work can not be more than piecemeal , as sites become available , results already obtained have provided useful information on conditions of urban life , in the types of buildings where people lived , on the desertion of houses within towns and around them , and on the distribution of trades within the towns .
7 According to Abel Goumba of the Front patriotique oubanguien-Parti du travail and spokesperson of a coalition of opposition forces , there was dissatisfaction at the appointment of Prime Minister Edouard Frank as chair of the preparatory meeting and at the distribution of seats , which favoured the government .
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