Example sentences of "[noun prp] 17 it was [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 However , following a meeting of the NSF Council on Jan. 17 it was announced that plans for both referendums , scheduled for Jan. 28 , had been cancelled .
2 Both Croatia and Slovenia on Jan. 15 refused to comply with the State Presidency 's order , and on Jan. 17 it was reported that republican leaders had met to co-ordinate resistance to a feared military crackdown .
3 In the two ballots held on May 17 it was discovered that some voters had voted twice , and Scalfaro , the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies since April [ see p. 38870 ] , ordered that the voting regulations should immediately be amended ; deputies would be handed a single voting slip as they entered a specially constructed voting booth .
4 On July 17 it was decreed that foreigners of Albanian nationality and origin should " upon their request be granted Albanian nationality , maintaining or not the nationality of their own state " .
5 On July 17 it was reported that the Democratic Platform co-ordinating council had decided to recommend that its supporters should begin leaving the party after all .
6 On Sept. 17 it was announced that the defence and economic co-operation accord between the USA and Turkey had been extended for another year .
7 On Oct. 17 it was announced that all Yugoslav ambassadors of Slovene origin had resigned .
8 On Nov. 17 it was admitted that Vukovar had fallen to JNA forces , after an 86-day seige .
9 On April 17 it was reported that the ANC 's armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe was advising on community defence tactics .
10 On April 17 it was reported that Dudayev and the deputy C.-in-C. of CIS armed forces , Col.-Gen .
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