Example sentences of "[noun prp] stood at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had been announced on Feb. 4 that food supplies in Russia stood at a critical level , with stocks about to run out within 20-40 days .
2 Fiscal reform , considered vital to improving the budgetary position and reducing inflation ( which in August stood at an annualized rate of 1,055.4 per cent ) , was also a priority .
3 It was argued that Britain stood at a historic point ; a new urban future was at hand .
4 ELISABETH DANZIGER STOOD AT THE OPEN window and watched the gulls swoop round the house , fly straight out to sea and then drop suddenly for prey .
5 Albert stood at the other end , to balance her , ’ said Finn .
6 In particular , the report highlighted ( i ) the low inflation ( which in June stood at an annualized rate of 3.3 per cent , lower , for the first time since 1973 , than that in Germany — 3.5 per cent in June ) ; ( ii ) the successful containment of the adverse effect of 1990 oil price rises ; and reduced public expenditure ; and ( iv ) lower VAT and company taxes .
7 Robyn stood at the open door and glared furiously as he got into his car and reversed away .
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