Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [verb] the whole [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From another point of view , Newton has reconsidered the whole debate in an attempt to assess the impact of size both on functional effectiveness and democracy .
2 Reed has handled the whole issue appallingly , ’ he said .
3 It was a great joke while it lasted , but now a humble three-piece band from Seattle has rendered the whole joke redundant .
4 Edward had dropped the whole cargo of gifts by the time he had got down the twenty iron rungs of the ladder .
5 Dr Dobelle had found the whole experience so extraordinary that he had issued a press release ( no less ) recounting the adventure , and had sent copies to William from his office in Farmington , New York .
6 Nissan has taken the whole thing one step further with its series of weird and cute limited production models .
7 She could see that Paul Franklin had found the whole affair beneath him .
8 He stared at Morris disapprovingly , as if Morris had spent the whole morning in idleness .
9 Both Mould and Grant Hart have put the whole drama behind them .
10 He was inclined to think Nicola had invented the whole story , or else been told it and then discovered subsequently that it was a sham .
11 Carey had thought the whole performance eerie .
12 The linear pattern of development was an indication that God had programmed the whole history of life to move in a purposeful direction towards higher levels of intelligence .
13 They had finally calmed down , smiled sheepishly — albeit damply — at one another , and Joanna had demanded the whole story , from Isabel 's meeting with Guy right down to their arrival at Ashby Chase .
14 Rufus , of course , had always known , Rufus had instigated the whole thing , and then , at this point , Adam realized it .
15 I wondered if Harvey had arranged the whole thing , betrayed me to Stok .
16 Mr Corman has shot the whole thing in colour and in a cinema-verité style that makes it resemble a documentary . ’
17 When he first saw the Daleks Sydney Newman was furious , claiming that Lambert had betrayed the whole concept of Doctor Who .
18 My contact with Theosophy has changed the whole course of my life .
19 Now that Lamb has blown the whole affair into the open , Sir Colin must see the cheats are exposed and the door slammed forever on the ball doctors , whichever country they belong to .
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